学名はbrassica oleracea l .var.。italica布斂吉黴
Testing Method: HPLC
残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠
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グリーン・スプリング・テクノロジー社は、ハラール、コーシャ、コスモス、brc、ifs、fda、iso9001、iso22000など多くの認証を取得している中国の大手バイオテクノロジー企業です。当社の製品は世界62カ国以上で販売されており、2450人以上の顧客にサービスを提供し、好評を得ています。グリーンスプリングは、iso、haccpおよびその他の品質基準に従って生産を組織し、eu ec396、eu 2023/915および最高の溶媒残基基準に沿っている最高の国際的な業界標準を実装しています。8つの証明書と7つの特許を持っています。
アブラナoleracea L.var。italica布斂吉黴
Testing Method
(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています
Enhance Immunity
Broccoli powder is rich in vitamin C, which can promote the proliferation of lymphocytes, improve phagocyte phagocytosis, and promote the synthesis of immunoglobulin, which can improve the immunity of the body and prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases. In addition, broccoli powder is rich in vitamin E, carotenoids, lutein, zeaxanthin, and other antioxidant substances, which can prevent cells and biologically active molecules from being oxidized and damaged, and maintain the normal immunity aspect of the body to play.
Improve Memory
Broccoli contains more acetylcholine and a variety of antioxidants, which can delay brain aging and enhance memory. Medical research shows that people's memory is stronger when they are excited, and acetylcholine is the main substance to stimulates brain excitement; with age, the amount of acetylcholine in the body decreases, and its lack will lead to a continuous decline in memory, slow thinking, and even cause Alzheimer's disease.
Skin Care
Broccoli contains isothiocyanide, vitamin C, vitamin E, and other strong antioxidant components, which can identify and remove free radicals in the body, to ensure human health and slow aging; at the same time, it contains dithiothiophenol sulfur ketone, which can reduce the formation of melanin in the body, with the effect of beauty.
Improve Cardiovascular Function
Broccoli is rich in soluble fiber, which helps to remove waste and toxic substances in the intestinal tract, delay or reduce the absorption of sugar, reduce cholesterol levels, and control blood lipids; at the same time, it contains vitamin K and flavonoid compounds, which can maintain cardiovascular toughness, enhance vascular elasticity, so that the elderly risk of hyperlipidemia and hypertension is greatly reduced, and also has a certain auxiliary prevention and treatment effect on diabetes.
Stomach Protection
The radish sulfide contained in broccoli can promote the repair of gastric mucosa, and inhibit inflammatory factors and tumor necrosis factors, and its protective effect is mainly achieved through the Nrf2 pathway; at the same time, radish sulfide can also reduce the number of Helicobacter pylori.
Auxiliary Anti-Cancer
Broccoli powder contains a variety of anti-cancer components, such as thioglucoside, vitamin C, carotenoids, selenium, etc. Regular consumption can reduce the incidence of prostate cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer, and other cancers. Epidemiological studies have shown that consumption of broccoli can prevent or delay the occurrence of a variety of cancers, and the anti-cancer active ingredient is mainly sulforaphane (SFN) in broccoli. Broccoli tops the list of cancer-fighting vegetables published by the National Cancer Research Center of Japan.
In the Food Field:
Broccoli powder is rich in protein, carbohydrates, fat, carotene, B vitamins, vitamins A, C, K, and other vitamins, calcium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, iron and other minerals, and nutrients ranked in the top of similar vegetables. It has been used in a variety of food processing. In baked goods, the addition of broccoli powder can give cookies a higher specific volume and stretch ratio. Broccoli leaf powder can be used as an ingredient in gluten-free baked goods and provides health benefits to those on a gluten-free diet.