Chicory Root Inulin Powder
Chicory Root


学名:cichorium intybus。



Testing Method: UV


残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠

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  • チコリ根イヌリン粉末とは何ですか?

    チコリーなどの乾燥地上部もしくはのルーツは「植物Cichori -μm glandulosum Boiss。キク科のchicory cichorium intybus l .に由来する。タンパク質、ビタミン、カロチン、カルシウム、リン、亜鉛、および他の微量元素が豊富です。チコリーは、世界的に認められたアルカリ治療用健康野菜であり、米国疾病管理予防センターによって発表されました' world&の一つとして#39のトップ10栄養価の高い野菜」。


    チコリ根のイヌリン粉(chicory root inulin powder)は、精製され噴霧乾燥されたチコリ根から作られる白い微粉である。プレバイオティクスの一種である水溶性食物繊維です。イヌリン粉は、プロバイオティクスの増殖を促進し、腸内腐敗細菌の増殖を抑制し、腸内の微小環境を改善し、血糖値を調節する。




    2000年に設立されたgreen spring technology社は、植物抽出物の分野で長年の経験を持ち、高品質な植物抽出物の開発と供給に力を入れている中国の大手バイオテクノロジー企業です。当社の製品は、eu ec396、eu 2023/915規格、および最高の溶剤残渣規格に準拠しています。権威あるサードパーティのテストレポートが利用可能です。グリーンスプリングはhalal、kosher、cosmos、brc、ifs、fda、iso9001、iso22000など多くの認証を取得しています。






    Cichorium intybus Lを有する。







    Testing Method





    (ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています





    Regulate Intestinal Microecology, Promote Intestinal Health

    As a soluble dietary fiber, inulin absorbs water and expands in the intestinal tract, increasing the volume of feces. It stimulates the rectal defecation reflex and increases intestinal peristalsis. The water-absorbing and swelling ability of dietary fiber can also dilute the concentration of toxic substances and reduce their damage to the intestinal tract. Inulin is fermented by a large number of beneficial bacteria in the colon to produce short-chain fatty acids (short-chain fatty acids, SCFAs), especially butyric acid, which is conducive to the growth and metabolism of intestinal epithelial cells, to maintain the integrity of the intestinal mucosa, to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria as well as to maintain the balance of the intestinal immune system and to promote intestinal health.


    Helps to Control Body Weight

    Inulin will not be digested in the stomach and absorbs water and expands to form a high viscosity colloid. It prolongs the emptying time of the stomach reducing food intake. It also forms complexes with proteins, lipids, and other substances in the small intestine. Inhibit the absorption of such substances, and reduce fat accumulation. Let obese children supplement 8 g of inulin daily can effectively control their gastric hunger hormone level, and their appetite can also be reduced.


    Improve Inflammation

    Inulin can also enhance the immune function of the intestinal tract to improve inflammation, mainly by increasing the ability of type 3 innate lymphocyte ILC3 to secrete interleukin IL-22 and promoting the secretion of Reg3γ with antimicrobial activity, and at the same time, IL-22 mediated to promote the proliferation of intestinal epithelial cells, reinforce the intestinal barrier, and reduce the risk of endotoxin and other endotoxins crossing the intestinal barrier and entering into the bloodstream, to control the occurrence of chronic inflammation from the source.


    Helps the Immune System

    The intestinal mucosa is the first barrier of the immune system, accounting for 60% of the total amount of human immunoglobulin IgA in the intestinal tract, which has an important impact on human immunity. Inulin promotes the proliferation of beneficial intestinal bacteria, especially bifidobacteria, thereby inhibiting the growth and adhesion of other pathogenic bacteria and enhancing the intestinal barrier; at the same time, it can induce the immune activity of the intestinal mucosal lymphatic system, enhance the phagocytosis ability of macrophages, and activate the humoral and cellular immune response.


    Blood Lipid Lowering

    Inulin can accelerate the decomposition of lipids based on the production of cytoplasmic gene peptides, promote the proliferation of bifidobacteria and the generation of short-chain fatty acids, and elimination of bile salts and cholesterol in feces. It was found that for healthy men if 9 g of inulin was added to their daily breakfast, their total cholesterol and triglyceride levels were found to be reduced by 8.2% and 26.5% respectively after 4 weeks. For elderly patients, if they consumed 8 g of short-chain inulin per day, their blood levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides were significantly reduced after 2 weeks. For diabetic patients, if they consumed 8 g of inulin per day, the total cholesterol level in their body was reduced by 7.9% after 2 weeks.


    Promote Mineral Absorption

    Inulin can promote the selective fermentation of colon microorganisms, causing the increase of short-chain fatty acid concentration and the decrease of p H value in the intestinal tract, leading to the decomposition of mineral complexes, thus promoting the release, dissolution, and absorption of mineral elements. Inulin can significantly increase the absorption rate of minerals such as Ca2+, Mg2+, and Fe2+, especially Ca2+. In addition, inulin can proliferate the height of intestinal crypts and the number of epithelial cells, increase the mineral transportation channels, increase the expression of calcium binding protein D9k, and activate calcium diffusion channels.


    In the Food Field:

    Inulin has a wide range of applications in the food industry, where it can be used as an ingredient in high fiber diets. Inulin has good solubility in water, which allows it to combine with aqueous systems without precipitation, making it easy to use inulin as a fiber ingredient. Inulin powder can also be used to process low-fat foods (e.g., creams, and spreads).


    Inulin powder is an excellent fat replacer and when thoroughly mixed with water forms a creamy structure which makes it easy to replace fat in food products and provides a smooth texture, and well-balanced and rounded flavor. The inclusion of inulin in bakery products has been used to develop new concepts of breads such as prebiotic breads, multi-fiber white breads and even multi-fiber gluten-free breads. Inulin increases dough stability, regulates water absorption, increases bread volume, and improves uniformity of the bread flesh and slicing ability.


    For Healthcare Products:

    Inulin powder can be used as the original ingredient and carrier of various health foods to combat constipation, diabetes, obesity, and so on. It is one of the best ingredients or functional ingredients for health food or functional food (diet food) such as regulating intestinal flora, regulating blood lipids, and promoting calcium or mineral absorption.

  • チコリ根イヌリン粉coa

  • コスモス2023







