Cistanche Tubulosa Extract Powder
Cistanche Tubulosa

cistanche tubulosaエキスパウダー

ラテン語名cistanche tubulosa(シェンク)wight

ソース:cistanche tubulosa fleshy stem


规格:Verbascoside: 10%

Echinacoside: 20%

Testing Method: HPLC


残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠

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  • cistanche tubulosa extract powderとは何ですか?

    cistanche extract powder(チスタンチェエキスパウダー)は、レデブリア科のcistanche tubulosa (schenk) wightの鱗状の葉を乾燥させた肉質の茎から抽出される粉末状の有効成分である。cistanche tubulosa抽出物の主な有効成分は、ピナコシド、トリコシド、総フェニルエタノール配糖体です。主にアルカロイドとフェニルエタノール配糖体が含まれており、アンチエイジングと抗酸化作用があります。




    グリーン スプリングテクノロジーは、優れた品質のチスタンチェtubulosaエキスパウダーを提供しています。その主な有効成分は、ベルバスコシドとエキナコシド、黄褐色の微粉です。安定性があり、水溶性が低く、保存料を添加せずに涼しい場所で24ヶ月間保存できます。本チスタンチェtubulosaエキスパウダーは、各種栄養食品の加工に使用される高品質な植物エキス原料です。


    グリーン 春 テクノロジー社は、2000年に設立された中国有数のバイオテクノロジー企業で、お客様に天然、安全、有機植物エキスを提供することに専念しています。lvquanはhalal、kosher、cosmos、brc、ifs、fda、iso9001、iso22000など多くの認証を取得しています。グリーン 春 製品は、eu ec396、eu 2023/915規格、および最高規格に準拠しています。これらの製品は、eu ec396、eu 2023/915、および最高水準の溶剤残渣基準に準拠しています。 




    Cistanche Tubulosaエキス


    屍Cistanche tubulosa(シェンク)






    Verbascoside: 10%
    Echinacoside: 20%

    Testing Method





    (ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています





    Delaying Aging

    Zhu et al. investigated the anti-aging mechanism of Cistanchis and found that the pinealoside in Cistanchis could down-regulate the expression of p53, and thus inhibit the aging of human fibroblasts. Xu et al. investigated the effects of Cistanchis on liver mitochondria explored the anti-aging mechanism of Cistanchis, and found that different components of Cistanchis could increase the antioxidant capacity of the liver, reduce the oxidative damage of mitochondria in hepatocytes, and promote energy metabolism, which can achieve the effect of delaying the aging of the liver. Zheng et al. found that dietary supplementation with Cistanchis could significantly slow down the aging process of aged SAM-P8 mice in animal models. In an animal model, Zheng et al.


    These studies suggest that Cistanchis can delay aging. Phenylethanol glycosides (PEGs) are the most reported compounds in Cistanchis. Phenylethanol glycosides (PEG) were found to have strong antioxidant activity by Wu et al. Guo et al. showed that Cistanchis polysaccharides also have high antioxidant activity. Han Haixia et al. found that Cistanchis extract can scavenge DPPH radicals, ABTS radicals, and hydroxyl radicals, and reduce iron ions, so Cistanchis extract has strong antioxidant activity.


    Relieve Physical Fatigue

    Cistanchis and Cistanchis extracts have been found to reduce physical fatigue. Yan Lei et al. found that the injection of 100 mg/kg of Cistanchiakis polysaccharide (CDP) could significantly prolong the weight-bearing swimming time, reduce the serum (BUN) and lactic acid (LA) content, increase the content of hepatic glycogen and myo-glycogen, and increase the activity level of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX) in the liver tissues of aged mice, and reduce the content of malondialdehyde (MDA). It also increased the activity levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX) in the liver tissues of aging mice, and decreased the content of malondialdehyde (MDA).


    Memory Enhancement

    Feng Duo et al. found that Cistanchis and its active ingredients can reduce brain damage, enhance memory, and prevent Alzheimer's disease. Xing Haiyan et al. showed that in the water maze experiment, the escape latency and the first arrival time of mice in the gavage group of Cistanchiakis were significantly shortened, and the number of times they crossed the station was significantly increased. Cistanchis polysaccharides had a significant protective effect on aging nerve cells and improved the learning memory ability of mice in the aging model.


    Acteoside, a phenylethanol glycoside active substance in Cistanchis sinensis, was found to significantly increase neurons and Nissl in the hippocampus of mice treated with certain doses of acteoside (60 and 120 mg/kg/d) in an AD mouse model. Nitric oxide content, nitric oxide synthase activity, and caspase-3 protein expression were reduced compared with the AD model group, suggesting that acetonide, an active substance of Cistanchis sinensis, has the function of improving learning and memory.

    Regulating Immunity

    In Zheng et al.'s study, the MTT assay was used to observe the regulatory effect of Cistanche deserticola polysaccharides (CDPS) on the inhibition of mouse thymic lymphocyte proliferation by ISO DEX TNF - β in vitro. High quality concentrations (100 μ g/mL) of CDPS significantly promoted the increase of Ca2+ion concentration in mouse thymic cells, revealing the immune activity of CDPS and the mechanism of its in vitro immune regulation.



    Wang Li-wei et al. found that Cistanchis dietary fiber has good laxative function, compared with the model group, the time of the first black stool discharge was shortened and the number of 6-h stools increased in all dose groups of Cistanchis dietary fiber mice; among them, the time of the first black stool discharge and the number of 6-h stools in the high-dose group of mice were significantly different from that in the model group.


    Jia et al. demonstrated that Cistanchniches active substance (ECH) could improve the repair of mucosal tissue by stimulating the proliferation of intestinal epithelial cells and preventing cell death by regulating TGFβ, thus improving the repair of irritable bowel syndrome. Jia et al. showed that the active substance of Cistanchis sinensis (ECH) could treat irritable bowel syndrome or constipation by stimulating the proliferation of intestinal epithelial cells and preventing cell death through the up-regulation of TGF-β, thus improving the repair of mucosal tissues. 


    For Healthcare Products:

    Cistanchis Extract can enhance human immunity, improve male sexual function, promote blood circulation, relieve fatigue, and so on. Cistanchis extract is also used to treat male impotence, premature ejaculation, prostatitis, and other diseases. Cistanchis Extract powder is widely used to make health care products, especially male health care products.


    In Cosmetics:

    Cistanchis has various effects such as whitening, anti-aging, sunscreen, moisturizing, etc. It has been used in cosmetics. Cosmetics containing Cistanchis tubulosa extract can enhance skin elasticity, reduce skin melanin content, and improve skin brightness. However, the research on the active ingredients and mechanism of action of Cistanchis is still insufficient.


    In the Food Field:

    Cistanchis extract can be used to make alcohol, such as Cistanchis wine. Cistanchis extract can not only add flavor to food but also enhance the nutritional value of food.

  • cistanche tubulosa extract powder coa

  • コスモス2023








