规格:エラグ酸:40% 90%
Testing Method: HPLC
残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠
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pomegranate peel extract ellagic acid powderは、pomegranate punica granatum l .の外皮から抽出された有効成分ellagic acidです。ザクロの皮エキスエキス中のエラグ酸は、通常40%の含有量を達成します。エラグ酸は、優れた抗酸化特性を持つポリフェノール化合物であり、現在、食品用抗酸化剤として使用されています。エラグ酸は、抗酸化、抗がん、抗utagenic、ヒト免疫不全ウイルスの阻害などの様々な生理活性機能を有しています。また、エラグ酸は凝固作用にも優れており、細菌の侵入から傷を守り、感染を防ぎ、潰瘍を抑制します。同時に、エラグ酸には降圧作用や鎮静作用があることも発見されており、主に健康食品や医薬品の添加物として使用されている。
覇権をめぐってGranatum Lを有する。
エラグ酸:40% 90%
Testing Method
(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています
Ellagic acid has a catechol-type phenolic hydroxyl group, which, upon hydrogen abstraction, forms an intramolecular hydrogen bond with another phenolic hydroxyl group, resulting in an o-benzoquinone resonance structure that can make phenoxy radicals more stable. In addition, ellagic acid can prevent the production of free radicals through complexation with metal ions. The chemical properties of ellagic acid give it the ability to quench lipid radicals, thus interrupting the chain reaction of lipid oxidation and exhibiting strong antioxidant activity.
Prevents Melanin Production
Ellagic acid absorbed by the human body can also remove melanin in the body, accelerate the decomposition of melanin, and prevent the accumulation of melanin in the skin surface. It can also prevent melanin production from the root cause, can prevent the appearance of pigmentation on the surface of the human skin can also play a certain role in whitening.So Ellagic acid powder is widely used in the production of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.
Preventing Lipid Oxidation
The human body contains some lipids that are oxidized will increase the burden on the human body, and there will be some chronic diseases, and the human body in the absorption of rich ellagic acid, can prevent the oxidation of these lipids, which can prevent the generation of oxidized lipids in the body, but also to prevent them from the destruction of human cells, regular consumption of food with ellagic acid can improve the activity of human tissues and cells, and can prevent the body from lesions.
Scavenging Free Radicals
Many people know that free radicals are harmful to human cells is a substance that can lead to human cell oxidation and lesions, and usually, the human body absorbs a certain amount of ellagic acid, which can remove free radicals in the body, but also to improve the antioxidant capacity of the human body, can reduce free radicals on the damage to human cells, can maintain human health can also slow down the speed of aging of the human body.
Antibacterial and Antiviral Effects
Ellagic acid has a good inhibitory effect on a variety of bacteria and germs, protecting wounds from bacterial invasion, preventing infections and inhibiting ulcers. At the same time, ellagic acid and some ellagitannins show inhibitory properties against human immunodeficiency virus, reverse transcriptase of bird's myeloma cell tumour virus (AMV), and alpha one-cell and beta-cell DNA polymerase.
The mechanism of action of ellagic acid differs from that of antimicrobials, which, such as mucins or persistent bacteriocin A, inhibit DNA polymerase non-specifically, whereas the antiviral activity of ellagic acid and ellagitannins may be due to their inhibition of cellular adsorption of HIV, as may the inhibition of reverse transcriptase. Asanaka's experiments on mice have shown that oral administration of ellagitannins effectively inhibits HIV and herpesviruses. The antiviral activity of ellagitannins is also due to their inhibition of cellular adsorption of HIV, and the inhibition of reverse transcriptase.
In Cosmetics:
Ellagic acid inhibits melanin production and it also acts as an antioxidant. Ellagic acid has significant antibacterial and antiviral properties, protecting wounds from bacterial attack and infection, and is also used in the treatment of allergies and inflammation. Ellagic acid not only possesses certain common characteristics of plant polyphenols but also exhibits unique biological activities, which makes it widely recognized in dermatological medicine as an ingredient that can be used for skin whitening and blemish reduction. Many domestic and international beauty companies are cleverly incorporating ellagic acid and other efficacious ingredients into their products.
In Pharmaceutical:
Ellagic acid is a naturally occurring compound known as tannin. In laboratory studies, ellagic acid powder has shown antiviral, antibacterial, antioxidant, and cancer-preventive properties. In medicine, ellagic acid is used to prevent cancer and treat viral and bacterial infections.
For Health Products:
Ellagic acid, as a natural polyphenol dilactone, has antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic and other biological activities and has a good inhibitory effect on a number of chronic diseases, has been used in health products.