Vitamin E Powder 50%




Testing Method: GC


残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠

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  • ビタミンe粉末とは何ですか?



    植物油はピープルのビタミンeの主要な源である' s所有して小麦胚芽油、不飽和脂肪酸とトウモロコシ油、最も豊かな中、サラダ油そして菜の花ケールクリーム、ハニー新鮮なオレンジやシリアルの穀物にも豊かなビタミンEには8主な形のビタミンE(α、β、γ、δtocopherolsα、β、γ、δtocotrienols)、のα-tocopherolが最も広く分布で一番豊かさとビタミンEが活跃で自然の中でである。αの-tocopherolは最も広く分布,自然ビタミンEの形が豊富である。


    グリーンスプリング技術用品ビタミンE粉50%,冷水に溶けます,完全に水溶性,澄まし,水に溶解した後、半透明,無降水量で。溶媒残留物、重金属、可塑剤、および農薬残留物は、eu規格に準拠しています。当社は、eu ec396、eu 2023/915、および最高の溶媒残基基準に準拠した最高の国際的な業界標準を実装しています。


    green spring technology社は、植物抽出物の分野で20年以上の経験を持つ中国有数のバイオテクノロジー企業です。グリーンスプリングは研究開発に根ざし、高品質で高活性な植物製品の開発に取り組んできました。グリーンスプリングは完璧なトレーサビリティシステムを確立し、すべての製品を追跡することができ、各製品は、ソースから完成品まで詳細なテストと生産報告があります。ハラール、コーシャ、cosmos、brc、ifs、fda、isoなど多くの認証を取得しています。権威ある第三者検査レポートが利用可能です。








    Testing Method





    (ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています






    The lipophilic and hydrophobic structure of vitamin E can enter into the biological membrane containing unsaturated fatty acids, and can directly capture free radicals in the lipid-phase medium, thus interrupting the propagation and diffusion of the peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids within the membrane lipid bilayer structure, maintaining the stability of the composition of unsaturated fatty acids on the membrane, and effectively terminating the chain reaction of the free radicals leading to lipid peroxidation, which is one of the important mechanisms for preventing the damage of the cells and is one of the major biological free radical scavengers and antioxidant agents in the human body. It is one of the most important mechanisms to protect cells from damage and is one of the most important scavengers and antioxidants of biological free radicals in the human body.



    Long-term UV irradiation can cause skin cells to produce reactive oxygen species (ROS), under normal circumstances, UV irradiation generated ROS can be removed by the intracellular antioxidant system promptly, but excessive ROS will destroy the balance of oxidation and antioxidant system in the body, thus triggering a series of harmful biological effects. Vitamin E can restore the proliferative activity of UVA-irradiated cells, reduce the level of intracellular ROS after UVA irradiation, protect the morphology and structure of UVA-irradiated cells, and slow down the degradation of intracellular collagen Col I and Col III.


    Inhibition of Tyrosinase Activity

    Tyrosinase was extracted from fresh Sydney, and the effects of vitamin E-β cyclodextrin inclusion complex on tyrosinase activity were observed using catechol and levodopa as substrates, respectively. The results showed that the low concentration of vitamin E-β cyclodextrin inclusion complex had an inhibitory effect on tyrosinase. When catechol was used as the substrate, the inhibition of tyrosinase by 0.5% vitamin E-β cyclodextrin inclusion complex reached 48.98%.


    Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases

    Vitamin E can raise HDL, lower cholesterol, inhibit the formation of atherosclerosis, and protect the myocardium from oxidative damage, so it can be used as an adjunctive therapeutic drug for cardiovascular diseases.


    Water Locking

    As vitamin E can protect cell membranes from oxidative damage by free radicals, it can help repair and consolidate the natural protective barrier function on the surface of the skin, which can lock the moisture within the skin and make it less prone to dry skin and peeling. A good skin barrier is also more effective in resisting the damaging effects of UV radiation, air, and environmental pollutants on the skin.


    Freckle Removal

    Facial pigmentation spots, including sun spots, melasma, etc., are related to the deposition of melanin in the skin. Vitamin E can reduce melanin synthesis and accelerate its metabolic clearance in the skin through various pathways, thus having the function of removing spots.


    In the Food Field:

    Vitamin E Tocopherols have a wide range of applications in the food sector, generally used as antioxidants or nutritional enhancers. When used as antioxidants, the main forms are α-tocopherol and mixed tocopherol concentrates; when used as nutritional enhancers, the main forms are α-tocopherol, α-tocopherol acetate, α-tocopherol succinate and mixed tocopherol concentrates.


    In Pharmaceutical:

    Vitamin E Tocopherol is a chemical drug in the pharmaceutical industry, and its main component is α-tocopheryl acetate, and its dosage forms include tablets, powders, capsules and injections, and the main component of imported VE approved for use in China is α-tocopherol polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate. The efficacy and mechanism of action of tocopherols, tocopherol monomers and their corresponding derivatives have been studied in depth in a large number of domestic and foreign literatures.


    For Feed Product:

    Tocopherol can protect the structural integrity of animal tissues, maintain normal reproductive function, be an antioxidant, improve the muscle quality of animals, enhance immunity, improve the ability of animals to resist stress, and prevent the occurrence of diseases. Tocopherols are widely used in livestock, poultry, and aquatic products.


    In Cosmetics:

    Tocopheryl acetate, as a vitamin E derivative, has the effect of preventing the oxidation of cell membranes and intracellular unsaturated fatty acids during the skin's metabolic process, thus protecting the integrity of cell membranes and thus preventing aging. Topical products containing tocopheryl acetate also have strong reducing properties, can eliminate cell free radicals, and reduce UV damage to the skin. Thus, tocopheryl acetate is a star antioxidant ingredient in skin care products.

  • ビタミンeパウダー50% coa

  • コスモス2023






polygonum cuspidatum根エキス98%レスベラトロール

dlαトコフェロール1430 iu
