Testing Method: HPLC
残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠
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緑の春の技術を提供することができます食品グレード10%水溶性ユビキノール粉末吸収しやすく、利用しやすいバルク。これは、相同で安定した放出このユビキノール粉末を形成するために15°cで冷水に容易に分散されます 無溶剤・無農薬で、欧州薬局方、米国薬局方、日本薬局方等の国際基準に適合しています。植物抽出物の専門サプライヤーとして、green spring' sイデソール粉 バルク ハラール、コーシャ、コスモなどの認証を取得。グリーンスプリングは総合的な品質管理システムを持っており、すべての生産プロセスを追跡可能で、すべての製品の品質を保証しています。私たちは、信頼できるサードパーティのテストレポートを提供することができます。
Testing Method
(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています
Scavenging Free Radicals, Antioxidant
Ubiquinol is a potent antioxidant and free radical scavenger that mitigates the harmful effects of oxidative stress. It improves skin bioavailability, tones the skin, increases the concentration of keratinised cells, and improves the antioxidant capacity of skin cells. It inhibits skin aging to achieve therapeutic effects on skin diseases such as dermatitis, acne, bedsores, and skin ulcers. Ubiquinol also promotes epithelial cell production and benign granulation tissue, prevents scar formation, and promotes scar repair. Inhibits the activity of phosphotyrosinase, preventing melanin as well as dark spot production. Reduces the depth of wrinkles and improves skin dullness. Increases the concentration of hyaluronic acid and improves the water content of the skin. It is effective in improving dull skin tone, reducing wrinkles, and restoring skin's original smoothness, elasticity, and moisture.
Enhancement of Human Immunity
As early as 1970, it was reported that the administration of ubiquinol to rats increased the activity of the body's immune cells in killing bacteria and stimulated an increase in the number of immunoglobulins and antibodies. Nikbakht et al. studied the effect of ubiquinol on the plasma of male athletes who took ubiquinol after consecutive competitions and found that the number of neutrophils in their plasma decreased significantly. Ubiquinol was found to be beneficial in protecting the immune system of athletes and strengthening the body's immunity. For normal people, taking ubiquinol orally after overexertion can improve fatigue and enhance the vitality of the body. Recent studies have shown that ubiquinol, as a non-specific immune enhancer, can play a good role in improving immunity and anti-tumor, and has a certain effect on advanced metastatic cancer.
Strong Cardiac Function
Ubiquinol is one of the most important substances in the human body, and its content in the heart muscle is very high. When it is deficient, it will cause insufficient function of the heart, resulting in poor blood circulation, reduced heart work capacity, and ultimately heart disease. Ubiquinol's main effect on the heart muscle is to promote cellular oxidative phosphorylation. Improves myocardial energy metabolism and reduces ischaemic damage to the myocardium. Increase cardiac blood output; improve chronic congestion and anti-arrhythmic effects, thereby protecting the heart muscle. Improve cardiac function and provide sufficient energy for the myocardium. Clinical studies have shown that more than 75% of patients with heart disease experience significant improvement in their condition after taking ubiquinol. Ubiquinol is a metabolic activator that activates cellular respiration. It can provide sufficient oxygen and energy to the heart muscle cells and brain cells so that the cells can maintain a good and healthy state.
Regulation of Blood Lipids
Lipid-lowering drug statins will block the body's autonomous synthesis of ubiquinol while lowering blood lipids. Therefore, people with high blood lipids must take ubiquinol when taking statins to have a better lipid-lowering effect. Ubiquinol can reduce the content of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which is harmful to the human body, and prevent LDL from penetrating through the endothelial cells into the interstitial space of endothelial cells. It reduces the formation of lipids in the inner wall of the arteries and prevents lipids from forming atherosclerotic plaques in the inner lining of blood vessels. At the same time, it increases HDL activity, removes rubbish, toxins, and plaques formed in the inner wall of blood vessels in time, regulates blood lipids, and prevents the formation of atherosclerosis.
In Pharmaceutical:
Ubiquinol powder has been used in Coenzyme Q10 solid preparations (tablets, capsules, soft capsules) as a raw material for pharmaceuticals. It is used as an adjuvant treatment for cardiovascular diseases (e.g. viral myocarditis, chronic cardiac insufficiency, etc.) and hepatitis.
For Health Product:
Ubiquinol and vitamin E have a synergistic effect on antioxidant function. Vitamin E can directly scavenge oxygen free radicals, while ubiquinol can regenerate the antioxidant effect of vitamin E. Therefore, ubiquinol powder is often paired with vitamin E in health foods.