50% Phosphatidylserine Powder Bulk from Sunflower Seed





Testing Method: UV


残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠

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  • ホスファチジルセリン粉末バルクとは何ですか?


    ホスファチジルセリン(phosphatidylserine)は、リン酸を含む脂質の総称であるリン脂質の一種である。かなり多くの部員がいるらしい脂質家などホスファチジルコリン(通称レシチンPC)、phosphatidylethanolamine(通称phosphatidylinositol PE) phosphatidylinositol(通称イノシトール三phosphatidylinositol PI), phosphatidylserine (PS)、phosphatidic酸パッピンス()で、とphosphatidylglycerol (PG)など天然リン脂質は、生命の基本的な物質の一つとして、非常に重要な役割を果たしているの組成細胞膜の机能の生物や物質の帯域幅線です。


    ホスファチジルセリンは1942年にjordi folchによって初めて抽出され、その化学構造は1952年にbaerとmaurukasによって解明され、化学合成によって確認された。ホスファチジルセリンはヒトの脳神経の必須成分であり、ヒトの脳は最もホスファチジルセリンが豊富な臓器であり、ヒトの脳内の全リン脂質の約18%を占めています。他のリン脂質と比較して、ホスファチジルセリンは細胞質膜で唯一負に帯電したリン脂質であり、この特別な性質が、神経細胞膜の内膜に特異的なアンカー部位を形成するという、重要な機能を決定している。これらのアンカー部位は神経細胞の正常な機能に必要である。さらに、ホスファチジルセリンは、細胞膜の重要なタンパク質の機能状態を調節することができる唯一のリン脂質である。







    Phosphatidylserine粉50% バルク


    Helianthus annuus Lを有する。









    Testing Method





    (ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています





    Improvement of Cognitive

    Tang Yong and Zhang Qianyong studied the effect of fresh milk with 0.08% of 50% pure phosphatidylserine powder on human memory with 17-18 years old high school students as the research subjects, and the results showed that the milk with phosphatidylserine has obvious improvement and enhancement effect on students' memory.


    Delwaide PJ et al. first reported in 1986 that products containing phosphatidylserine powder improved cognitive performance in patients. Since then, several double-blind versus placebo-controlled studies in Europe and the United States have confirmed the efficacy of phosphatidylserine. According to Dr Parris M. Kidd's summary of a double-blind PS clinical trial, Crook T et al. studied 51 AD patients who were given either phosphatidylserine or placebo for 12 weeks (100mg 3 times a day). Patients who took the phosphatidylserine product were found to have improved in several cognitive areas, while the control group had no such results.


    Helps Repair Brain Damage

    Phosphatidylserine can nourish and activate the activity of various enzymes in the brain, which can slow down the process of neurotransmitter reduction, and help to repair and renew the damaged cells in the brain and remove harmful substances. Besides, Phosphatidylserine and DHA can promote the absorption of each other, on the one hand, DHA can promote the accumulation of Phosphatidylserine, on the other hand, Phosphatidylserine powder can promote the effective utilization of DHA, both of them can fully exert their effect and play a protective role for nerve cells.


    Helps Treat Depression

    Brambilla F conducted a study of the efficacy of BC- PS on cognitive and behavioural symptoms in 10 depressed female patients with senile disorders. The patients received 15 d of placebo followed by 30 d of BC- PS. Before and after the placebo and BC-PS treatments, tests were performed to monitor mood, memory and general behaviour. Plasma norepinephrine levels, 3methyl-4hydroxyphenethylene glycol, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, homovanillic acid, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, and β-endorphin lipotropic hormone were measured in response to colistin.


    The results showed that phosphatidylserine powder can regulate the hormone levels of neurotransmitters in the brain that control mood. Patients' depression was reduced by an average of 70%, and symptoms such as mood disorders, abnormal behaviour, anxiety, and irritability were significantly improved. There was no change in symptoms before and after the placebo treatment, and no side effects were observed during the BC-PS trial.


    Improvement of Nerve Cells

    Phosphatidylserine is an important component of cell membranes, which maintains the stability and fluidity of cell membranes and thus improves the function of nerve cells.


    Regulation of Nerve Impulse Conduction

    Phosphatidylserine has an important regulatory role in nerve cell membranes, modulating the conduction of nerve impulses and facilitating the rapid transmission of information.


    Increase Blood Supply to the Brain

    Phosphatidylserine powder is lipophilic and can quickly pass through the blood-brain barrier, soothing vascular smooth muscle cells and increasing blood supply to the brain.


    Promotes Brain Development

    Phosphatidylserine helps increase the number of nerve cell spines and improves the fluidity of brain cell membranes. It promotes the rate of glucose metabolism in brain cells, helping to repair and renew damaged brain cells. At the same time, Phosphatidylserine powder helps activate the activity of various enzymes in the brain and restores the energy needed for neurotransmitter transmission. Enhancing the efficiency of neurotransmitters that convey brain signals helps to improve the functioning of the nervous system and stimulate a state of brain activation. It makes brain cells more active and enhances cognitive learning ability.


    For Health Products:

    In May 2006, the Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) allowed phosphatidylserine to be prominently displayed, which were advertised as having the function of "improving bad mood, enhancing memory" and preventing Alzheimer's disease. Phosphatidylserine powder is also used in various brain-health products.


    In the Food Field:

    Phosphatidylserine was granted GRAS approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in October 2006, which means that Phosphatidylserine powder can be added as a nutrient-enhanced functional food ingredient in foods such as yoghurt, milk powders, breads, and powdered beverages. 

  • 50%ヒマワリ種子coaからのホスファチジルセリン粉末バルク

  • ハラール2023





