イチョウ24 6エキス
参照:イチョウL」 葉
化学検査:フラボノイド24%; 6% Ginkgolides:
Testing Method: UV
残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠
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イチョウ24 6エキスって何ですか?
イチョウエキスとは、イチョウの葉から抽出されるイチョウのフラボノイド配糖体とテルペンラクトン(ギンコリドとビロバリド)を含む活性物質であり、国際共通基準によれば、2つの成分の含有率は24%以上と6%以上である。イチョウの葉エキス(ginkgo biloba 24 6 extract)は、フラボノイドが24%以上、ギンゴリドが6%以上のイチョウ葉エキスを指す。
イチョウ24 6エキスグリーンスプリング技術によって供給される純粋で不純物がありません。溶剤残留物、重金属、可塑剤、農薬残留物は、欧州市場、米国市場、東南アジア市場の基準を満たしています。銀杏ビロバ24 6エキスは、前処理、粉砕、抽出、濃度、吸着、溶出、スプレー乾燥、粉砕、ふるいなどの20以上のプロセスを経て製造される茶色から淡黄色の粉末です。
グリーン spring technology社は、植物抽出物の分野で20年以上の経験を持つ中国有数のバイオテクノロジー企業です。研究開発に根差したグリーン スプリングは、高品質で高活性な植物製品の開発に取り組んできました。当社は、iso、haccp、およびその他の品質基準に従って生産を組織し、eu ec396、eu 2023/915基準、および最高の溶媒残基基準に準拠した最高の国際的な業界基準を実施します。7つの認証と7つの特許を取得した当社の製品は、世界62カ国以上で販売され、2,450以上の顧客にサービスを提供し、高く評価されています。
フラボノイド Ginkgolides
フラボノイド:24% Ginkgolides: 6%
Testing Method
(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています
Promotes Circulation
Ginkgo biloba extract can improve circulation to both the brain and body extremities. It inhibits platelet-activating factor (PAF), a mediator released from cells that causes platelets to aggregate (build-up). High levels of PAF can lead to nerve cell damage, decreased blood flow to the central nervous system, inflammation, and bronchoconstriction. Ginkgolides and bilberry lactones protect CNS nerve cells from damage during periods of ischemia (lack of oxygen to body tissues). This function may be able to have an adjunctive therapeutic effect on patients suffering from stroke. In addition to inhibiting platelet adhesion, ginkgo extract also regulates vascular tone and elasticity.
Improve Vision
In diabetics, high blood sugar attacks the eye, causing lesions in the fundus that affect vision. Ginkgo biloba extract significantly improves lesions in the eye caused by high blood pressure, and can also be very helpful in vision disorders caused by glaucoma.
Protect the Cardiovascular
The flavonoids and ginkgolides in Ginkgo biloba extract can activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, which can reduce the risk of heart attack in middle-aged and elderly people, reduce the chance of myocardial infarction or stroke attack, and protect heart and brain health.
Whitening Skin Care
The flavonoids in Ginkgo biloba extract can hinder pigmentation within the dermis, as well as scavenge free radicals and inhibit melanin growth, providing whitening skincare benefits.
Flavonoids in ginkgo extract are natural and strong antioxidants, and their mechanism of action is mainly scavenging free radicals and reactive oxygen species, chelating metal ions, and protecting and reducing antioxidants in the body. Ginkgo flavonoids have a special phenolic hydroxyl structure, which can provide hydrogen atoms used for the binding of reactive free radicals, and the higher the number of phenolic hydroxyl groups, the stronger the antioxidant capacity.
For Health Care Products:
After the 1980s, foreign scholars have found ginkgo biloba in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases and neurological diseases, anti-aging, anti-cancer, beauty and skin care and other therapeutic effects, has declared a large number of patents, and dozens of ginkgo biloba preparations on the market. Germany, France, Austria and other successive ginkgo biloba preparations on the market, the United States has also developed the ginkgo biloba health food. February 22, 1988, the United States, The Washington Post published: "Chinese traditional Chinese medicine application of ginkgo biloba extracts for the treatment of asthma and allergic reactions has at least 5,000 years of history". Ginkgo biloba extract has been used as an effective additive in a variety of health products.
In Pharmaceutical:
Clinical studies have confirmed that Ginkgo biloba extract has the effects of lowering blood pressure, regulating blood lipids, lowering blood viscosity, and resisting atherosclerosis, which can effectively alleviate the symptoms of angina pectoris and improve the ischemic performance of electrocardiograms, and it has been used as adjunctive treatment for angina pectoris in coronary heart disease.
イチョウbiloba 24 6エキスcoa