Testing Method: UV
残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠
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β-グルカン粉 、高分子ブドウ糖とは歴史で形成されβ-glycosidic多连动菌類に由来する(例えば、酵母、マッシュルームなど)、細菌藻植物(オーツ及び麦など)、など細胞壁の主要成分である。ベータglucans リンクオーツや麦は主にβの−1、3glycosidic債券(外平債)やβ−1、4 glycosidic債券。キノコと酵母β源-glucan主チェーンを持って结β−1、3 glycosidic債券(外平債)や彼らの分かれチェーンでつながったβ−1、6 glycosidic債券。
オーツベータグルカン粉末相対分子量が小さい短鎖グルカン(分子量5300~257200)である。オーツベータグルカン(oat beta glucan)は、オーツ麦の胚乳とデキストリン層の細胞壁に存在する非澱粉多糖である。構成monomericβ-D-glucopyranoseし、ポリマー固めるとβ-(1→3)とβ-(1→4)glycosidic債券。
の分布β-(1→3)とβ-(1→4)glycosidic債券は全くなく、完全なmeta-orderedに命じてのではありませんが主流となる繊維に存在する3糖の中や繊維tetrasaccharidesβ(1→4)-グルカン。85%以上のオート麦のβ-glucan分子は1β-でつながっている(1→3)glycosidic連動毎に2 ~ 3β-(1→4)glycosidic債券は15% long-chainβ-(1→4)glycosidic債券間隔1β- glycosidic保証金(1→3)と5月4 5または8長さがブドウ糖残留。多糖类をstraight-chained構成やunbranchedなどβ—(1→3)βの割合ボンズはあんた(1→4)にβが気づく前に-(1→3)glycosidic債券約2.4:1。βグルカンはオート麦の胚乳およびデキストリン層の細胞壁成分の85%以上を占めている。
グリーンスプリング技術は、均一で微細な粉末と安定した特性を有するオーツベータグルカン粉末70% uvを提供します。このオーツベータグルカン粉末は、水に溶解した後、完全に水溶性、明確化され、半透明であり、降水量はありません。緑の春は完璧なトレーサビリティシステムを確立し、すべての製品を追跡することができ、ソースから完成品までの各製品には詳細なテストと生産報告があり、生産プロセスの各リンクを制御し、チェックすることができます。
グリーンスプリングは、お客様に自然で安全な有機植物抽出物を提供することに取り組んでいます。当社のすべての製品は、eu ec396、eu 2023/915、および最高の溶剤残渣規格に準拠した最高の国際的な業界規格に準拠して製造されています。グリーンスプリングはhalal、kosher、cosmos、brc、ifs、fda、iso、その他多くの認証を取得しています。権威あるサードパーティのテストレポートが利用可能です。
Avena Sativa L
Testing Method
(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています
Lowering Cholesterol
Oat beta glucan is well known for its cholesterol-lowering effects, and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) have shown that daily consumption of oat beta glucan powder is beneficial in lowering blood cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of coronary heart disease.
Blood Sugar Control
In 1977, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stated that oatmeal consumption for a certain period and the threshold value of oat beta glucan will produce a hypoglycaemic effect. Oat βglucan reduces postprandial blood glucose concentrations and modulates the activity of intestinal glucose transport proteins. Daily intake of a certain amount of oat beta glucan powder can improve insulin levels and maintain stable glucose levels in diabetic patients.
Promotes Intestinal Health
Oat beta glucan powder can be used as a prebiotic to promote human health. Oat beta-glucan can form a gel-like network in the human body, change the viscosity of gastric and intestinal fluids, increase the viscosity of coeliacs, and slow down the circulation of coeliacs in the digestive tract. Oat β-glucan can not be digested and decomposed by digestive enzymes, and can well inhibit the growth of mucosal food-loving bacteria in the intestines and stomach.
Oat beta-glucan also improves the intestinal tract by improving the conditions for the colonization of beneficial bacteria (such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria), increasing the number of microorganisms. In the colon, oat beta glucan is fermented by microorganisms, especially by Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium in the cecum, resulting in the production of bifidobacteria, which are beneficial to human health.
Increases Satiety
Oat beta-glucan may increase satiety after a meal, possibly due to the non-digestible nature of beta-glucan in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, studies have shown that oat beta glucan powder has an important role in the reduction of abdominal fat and obesity, mainly in terms of lower body weight, body mass index, body fat and waist-to-hip ratio.
For Health Products:
The FDA claimed in 1997 that "oats are a saturated fat and low cholesterol food, and that a daily intake of 3 grams of beta glucan can lower serum lipid concentrations and thus reduce the risk of coronary heart disease". 2013, the FDA approved oat beta glucan for "GRAS" certification. "GRAS certification. The French Food Health and Safety Authority (AFFSA), on 2 July 2008, approved claims about beta-glucan lowering cholesterol. "Consumption of foods containing oat bran or foods containing soluble fiber (beta-glucan) of oat origin as part of a balanced diet, without excessive intake of saturated fats and with appropriate exercise, helps to lower cholesterol."
In the Food Field:
Oat beta glucan powder is also widely used in the food industry, such as oat fiber chewable tablets, oat cakes, oat lactone tofu, matsutake oat nutritious meal, oat vinegar, oat preserved meat with composite fruits and vegetables, oat instant noodle, oat cheese, oat porridge, and oat nutritious health wine.
In Meat Product:
Oat beta glucan powder improves water-holding and oil-holding properties and improves organoleptic flavour. Dong Jilin et al. added oat beta-glucan to minced meat and found that the water-holding and oil holding properties of minced meat were improved to some extent. In addition, the sensory properties of minced meat were also improved, with good flavour, tenderness, juiciness and elasticity.
Du Yajun learnt that the honeycomb appearance of oat β-glucan was the main reason for its good adsorption, water holding and oil holding properties. In addition, oat beta glucan also has the taste of fat and can be added to meat food as a fat substitute. For example, when added to sausage, it can not only reduce the proportion of fat added but also reduce the amount of starch used, so that the sausage has a better flavour and texture.
70%オーツベータグルカンパウダーuv coa