Water Soluble Yeast Beta Glucan Powder

高水溶性酵母ベータグルカン粉末90% uv





Testing Method: UV


残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠

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  • イーストベータグルカン粉末とは何ですか?



    1940年代、ピレーマー博士は酵母の細胞壁に免疫増強作用を持つ物質があることを初めて発見し報告した。その後、トゥーロン大学のdiluzio博士によるさらなる研究により、酵母の細胞壁の免疫増強物質がベーカーから単離された多糖類、β-グルカンであることが明らかになりました' s酵母。この多糖類は、有害なウイルスを殺し、良好な免疫を維持するために標的とすることができる非常にまれな活性免疫物質です。nasaは何年も前に免疫を高めるために宇宙飛行士のための食糧としてイーストglucanをリストした。酵母β−1、3-glucan、特別過程と自由でエッセンスを抽出endotoxinとして認められている米国が、安全物質やに加えること一般食品できる製品を紹介している。


    グリーンスプリング技術は、安定した特性、高含有量、良好な溶解性を有する高水溶性酵母ベータグルカン粉末90% uvを提供しています。完全に水溶性で、水に溶解した後はクリアで明るく、降水量はありません。グリーンスプリングは、お客様に自然で安全な有機植物抽出物を提供することに取り組んでいます。当社が提供するすべての製品は、eu ec396、eu 2023/915規格、および最高の溶剤残渣規格に準拠した、最高の国際規格を実装しています。グリーンスプリングはhalal、kosher、cosmos、brc、ifs、fda、isoなど多くの認証を取得しています。権威あるサードパーティのテストレポートが利用可能です。









    Testing Method





    (ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています






    The main biological effect of radiation is the production of free radicals, which are electron-deficient predators that compete for electrons from normal cells everywhere in the body. They directly attack the structure of nucleic acids and proteins and the antioxidant system in the body, thus causing damage. Yeast Beta Glucan Powder inhibits oxidative damage and scavenges free radicals from the body. It acts like a shield to protect macrophages (a type of immune cell) from free radical attack and continues to function normally both during and after radiation exposure.


    Immune Enhancement

    The special structure of yeast beta glucan powder has unique targeting characteristics, which can lock the dormant, drug-resistant, and subclinical foci of the "residual toxic cells". Thus, it can "synchronously" reduce the toxicity and increase the effect, which can greatly guarantee the clinical effect. At the same time, yeast beta glucan can rapidly activate the body's immune regulation and recognition mechanisms, thereby enhancing their combat effectiveness and bringing the autoimmune system into an optimal balance. These two aspects work simultaneously to rapidly improve the body's ability to fight diseases in the shortest possible time and maintain the health of the organism.


    Blood Lipid Regulation

    Yeast Beta Glucan Powder can significantly lower the level of triglycerides, and lower the level of LDL (cholesterol-rich lipoprotein) in the human body. It also raises the level of HDL (anti-atherosclerotic lipoprotein), effectively preventing coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, and other cardiovascular diseases.


    Good for Lowering Blood Sugar

    Yeast Beta Glucan Powder does not break down into glucose in the gastrointestinal tract but forms a mucous membrane in the gastrointestinal tract, which can have a slowing effect on the digestion and absorption of food nutrients. It slows down the absorption of sugar from food into the body, effectively inhibiting the rapid rise of blood sugar. In addition, diabetic patients are often accompanied by lowered immunity and a variety of complications, yeast beta glucan can effectively improve the immunity of diabetic patients, reducing the occurrence and deterioration of complications.


    Eliminates Wrinkles

    Yeast Beta Glucan is effective in enhancing the induction of all macrophages in the body. It has a driving effect on Langerhans' macrophages in the skin. It can play a role in skin defense and repair function, enhance the synthesis of collagen and elastin protein in the dermis, and make wrinkles disappear. Yeast Beta Glucan Powder helps to regenerate, rebuild, and repair the body's tissue structure and promotes wound healing. Yeast Beta Glucan powder has been clinically proven to increase skin elasticity and make the skin soft and fair when used on the skin. It improves the synthesis of collagen and elastin, supplies a variety of cell growth factors, eliminates wrinkles, disappears pigmentation, and repairs sensitivities.


    In the Food Field:

    As a new food ingredient, yeast beta glucan powder can be applied to a wide range of food products such as dairy products, confectionery, beverages, fruit juices, bakery products, etc. In many food products, the special addition of yeast beta glucan can endow the products with a variety of health functions.


    For Health Products:

    Yeast β-1,3 glucan can increase the phagocytosis of strong peritoneal cells. In addition, yeast dextran can remove free radicals, resist radiation, dissolve cholesterol, prevent hyperlipidaemia and resist infections caused by filtration viruses, fungi and bacteria. As a raw material, yeast beta glucan powder has been used as an additive in health products.

  • 高水溶性酵母ベータグルカン粉末uv 90% coa

  • ハラール2023





90%オーツベータグルカンパウダーusp 2021標準
