Cosmetic Grade High Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid Powder






残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠

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  • 化粧品グレードの高分子量ヒアルロン酸粉末とは何ですか?



    高分子量ヒアルロン酸パウダー分子量2000 kda以上で、粘弾性、潤滑性、保湿性に優れています。それは、皮膚の表面に保護膜を形成する優れた保湿剤であり、皮膚は吸収しません。


    中分子量ヒアルロン酸パウダー:分子量500 kda ~ 2000 kda。化粧品、医薬品、ヘルスケア製品などに応用できます。化粧品の主な機能は、保湿、それは肌に通気性フィルムを形成することができます'の表面は、水の蒸発を防止し、水をロックし、長期的な保湿を提供する。


    低分子ヒアルロン酸パウダー分子量10 kda ~ 500 kda。それは皮膚に吸収されやすく、皮膚の内部代謝に参加することができ、抗炎症、創傷治癒を促進し、アンチエイジングに一定の役割を持っています。


    オリゴマーヒアルロン酸パウダー分子量10 kda未満、すなわち50未満の単糖構造、重合度25未満。真皮の内側まで浸透し、炎症因子の放出を抑制し、さまざまな因子による敏感な状態を緩和する。フリーラジカルを除去し、表皮細胞や線維芽細胞の損傷を修復し、組織の治癒を促進し、ケラチン形成細胞の増殖を促進し、皮膚バリア機能を強化します。


    green spring technologyは、分子量160万~ 180万daの化粧品グレードの高分子ヒアルロン酸パウダー、高い粘弾性と良好な潤滑性を提供しています。green spring technologyは、数年前からヒアルロン酸粉末の製造、研究開発に特化しています。社内には体系的な品質管理システムがあり、厳格に品質管理システムを実施し、iso、haccpなどの品質基準に基づいて生産を組織しています。各製造工程は、欧州薬局方、米国薬局方、日本薬局方などの国際規格に準拠していることを確認するために監視され、試験されています。権威あるサードパーティのテストレポートが利用可能です。













    (ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています





    Moisturising and Anti-Wrinkle

    The water retention of hyaluronic acid powder is one of its most important physiological functions. Its theoretical water retention value is up to 500mL/g or more, and its actual water retention value in connective tissue is about 80mL/g. The hyaluronic acid powder has a strong water retention effect in the extracellular matrix.


    As we age, hyaluronic acid in the skin decreases, and the water content of skin tissue cells and intercellular spaces decreases. The space filled by the gelatinous matrix composed mainly of hyaluronic acid decreases, resulting in tight cell alignment, hardening of collagen by water loss, and roughness and loss of elasticity of the skin followed by wrinkles. Therefore, moisture is vital to the health and beauty of the skin. High molecular content hyaluronic acid powder is widely used in moisturizing and anti-wrinkle skincare products as an ideal intelligent humectant.


    Promote Wound Healing

    Hyaluronic acid plays an important role in repairing skin damage. High molecular weight hyaluronic acid powder is one of the substances that reach the wound earlier after the body is injured. When the body is in a stable state, hyaluronic acid in the bloodstream binds to fibrinogen and forms a fibrous framework. 6-10 days later, hyaluronic acid is enzymatically cleaved, which stimulates subsequent wound repair until the wound is completely repaired. It has even been proven that hyaluronic acid powder preparations applied to the skin surface during pregnancy can reduce the appearance of stretch marks and also promote the improvement and recovery of stretch marks after delivery.


    Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Inflammatory

    The hyaluronic acid powder has film-forming properties and easily forms a hydrated film that separates bacteria and provides an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, protein and hyaluronic acid combine in the skin matrix to form a protein complex, which exists in large quantities in the interstitial space of the cells, and can form a gel that binds the cells, ensures the normal metabolism of the cell tissues and water-holding function, avoids the invasion of harmful substances into the cells, and serves as a preventive and curative action against the occurrence of various infections, and provides a certain degree of protection for the skin.


    In Cosmetics:

    Hyaluronic acid powder is widely used in cosmetics and suitable hyaluronic acid products can be selected according to different molecular weights. Generally speaking, high molecular weight and medium molecular weight hyaluronic acid powder is most widely used in cosmetics, and its main function is moisturising.


    They have a good moisturizing ability and can form a breathable film on the surface of the skin, locking in water and preventing water evaporation for long-lasting moisturising. Low molecular, oligomeric sodium hyaluronate, easily absorbed by the skin, can participate in the skin's internal metabolism. In addition, hyaluronic acid can be used in combination with other ingredients to achieve a comprehensive moisturising effect.


    In the Medicine Field:

    The hyaluronic acid powder is also widely used in ophthalmic and orthopaedic surgical products to lubricate and moisturize.


    In the Food Field:

    In candy and ice cream, hyaluronic acid powder can increase the taste and texture of desserts, making them smoother and more delicate. The hyaluronic acid powder is a natural polysaccharide substance that has good moisturizing and lubricating properties. It can increase the taste and texture of food and improve the quality of food.


    The application of hyaluronic acid powder in the food industry is very wide, it can be used in the production of a variety of foods, such as bread, biscuits, candy, ice cream, beverages, and so on. In bread and biscuits, sodium hyaluronate can increase the softness and elasticity of the dough, so that the bread and biscuits are more fluffy and taste better. In candy and ice cream, sodium hyaluronate powder can increase the taste and texture of desserts, making them smoother and more delicate. In beverages, sodium hyaluronate can increase the consistency and taste of beverages, making them more delicious. In beverages, hyaluronic acid can increase the consistency and taste of beverages, making them more delicious.


    For Health Products:

    The hyaluronic acid powder is used as a nutraceutical ingredient, which has a variety of benefits including anti-inflammatory, wound healing promotion, and anti-aging.

  • 化粧品グレードの高分子量ヒアルロン酸粉末coa

  • コスモス2023







