DL ATocopheryl Acetate 1161IU

アセトアミノフェン(atocopheryl acetate) 1161 iu



Testing Method: GC


残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠

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  • dlアトコフェリル酢酸とは何ですか?

    酢酸トコフェリル(英:tocopheryl acetate、ビタミンe)は、脂溶性ビタミンであるトコフェロール(t)およびトリエニルトコフェロール(t-3)の総称である。酢酸DL -α-tocopherolは広く動植物含まれた食品の动物性食品も圧倒的大タイプしている。植物油に多く含まれDL鱼油-α-tocopherol "アセテート"内容を並行リノール酸などのですか?酢酸DL -α-tocopherylは抗酸化物質として作用し、polyadenylated脂肪酸、どのリン脂質が膜と結合polyunsaturated脂肪酸(PUFA)皮膜の構造を安定だりしPUFAを防ぎ、バイオフィルムと硫黄部首を含む酵素細胞を具現化している酸化に壊されました。トイレで「これからドギーとαのDL酢酸-tocopherylは不足してPUFA、erythrocyte膜はperoxidationが発生しやすいerythrocyte膜と電極の溶血に打撃を与えた。


    グリーンスプリング技術は、高純度を供給します酢酸トコフェリルの略1161 iu、低不純物、高吸収率、強力な生物活性、包括的な機能、良好な安全性、良好な嗜好性、および長い貯蔵時間。





    酢酸DL ATocopheryl





    Testing Method





    (ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています






    As a fat-soluble antioxidant, tocopherols are mainly found in cell membranes, trapping free radicals occurring from lipid oxidation and providing some antioxidant effects. Scientific studies have found that a mixed fraction rich in α-trienyltocopherol extracted from palm oil is a better antioxidant, with an antioxidant activity 40-60 times higher than that of α-tocopherol, and can more effectively scavenge free radicals from lipid cell membranes, thus slowing down aging.


    Fertility Promotion

    Tocopherol acts on the anterior pituitary gland and promotes the secretion of gonadotropic hormones, thus affecting the development of the reproductive system and the formation of germ cells, clinically preventing habitual abortion and preeclampsia, as well as preventing male infertility.



    Tocopherol can intervene in the signaling pathways of cancer cells, and down-regulate the expression of pro-cancer or anti-oncogenic genes, thus producing anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects by inhibiting the proliferation of tumor cells and promoting apoptosis of tumor cells.


    Skin Whitening

    Tyrosinase plays a decisive role in the formation of melanin by melanocytes. Tocopherol vitamin E's side chain is directly involved in the redox process of sulfhydryl groups, which can inhibit tyrosinase activity, so that tyrosine can not continue to participate in the synthesis, reducing the formation of melanin. Vitamin E Tocopheryl Acetate can also promote the formation of brown spots lipofuscin oxidation decomposition, accelerate the degradation of melanin, can inhibit the formation of pigmented spots, age spots, prevention and treatment of acne pigmentation. At the same time, it can promote the delivery of nutrients and the excretion of metabolic waste in the body, which is conducive to the repair and removal of pigmentation spots.


    Lowering Blood Cholesterol

    High blood cholesterol level is one of the causes of cardiovascular diseases. Some scientific studies have found that trienyltocopherol can achieve cholesterol lowering effect by inhibiting the activity of reductase in the liver. It is also effective in reducing the amount of cholesterol synthesis intermediates in the liver tissues, thus reducing the synthesis of cholesterol.


    Prevents Atherosclerosis

    Scientific studies have found that tocopherols can inhibit lipid peroxidation of cell membranes, increase the antioxidant capacity of low-density lipoproteins (LDL), reduce the production of high-density lipoproteins (HDL), and protect low-density lipoproteins (LDL) from oxidation. Trienyltocopherol also inhibits platelet aggregation on the vascular surface and protects the vascular endothelium, and thus is thought to have a preventive effect against atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.


    In Cosmetics:

    α-Tocopheryl Acetate has a wide range of applications in toiletry products, especially sunscreen products, and its effects mainly include maintaining skin moisturizing and smoothness, preventing the formation of carcinogens such as nitrosamines, and synergistically used with sunscreens to protect against UV-induced damage to the DNA of skin cells, the membrane system, and the immune system, etc. DL ATocopheryl Acetate has a wide range of applications in the cosmetic industry as an antioxidant and nutrient and is also widely used in the cosmetics industry. DL ATocopheryl Acetate is also widely used in the cosmetic industry as an antioxidant and nutrient.


    In the Food Field:

    Vitamin E tocopherol can be used as an antioxidant in prepared milk (Food Classification Number: 01.01.03) at a maximum use level of 0.2 (g/kg). Vitamin E as an antioxidant has been included in the National Standard for Food Safety, Standard for the Use of Food Additives (GB 2760), and is permitted to be used in fried noodle products, convenient rice noodle products, compound seasonings, puffed food and other food categories.


    Approved for expanded use on February 7, 2023, for batters (e.g., drag batters for fish and poultry), breading, and frying powders (food category Used to slow down oxidative discoloration of food. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and others allow its use in food as an antioxidant. According to the evaluation results of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), the acceptable daily intake (ADI) of this substance is 0.15-2 mg/kg bw. Its quality specification follows the National Standard for Food Safety, Food Additives, and Vitamin E (GB 1886.233).


    For Health Products:

    D-alpha-tocopherol succinate can be used as an active ingredient in health supplements for improving the body's antioxidant capacity and preventing the occurrence of various diseases. This nutraceutical is suitable for people of all ages, especially the elderly, athletes, and other people who need to improve their antioxidant capacity.

  • 酢酸アセチルcoaアセチルcoaアセチルcoaアセチルcoaアセチルcoaアセチルcoaアセチルcoaアセチルcoa

  • コスモス2023






dlαトコフェロール1430 iu

酢酸トコフェリルα1210 iu
