Testing Method: HPLC
残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠
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ピコ酸クロム(picolinate chromium)は、一般的な三価クロムのサプリメントである。三価クロム(cr3 +)とピリジンカルボン酸(ピコリン酸)からなる複合体で、体内で吸収され利用される。3価クロムはインスリンシグナル伝達において重要な役割を果たし、インスリン感受性と血糖値を改善し、トリグリセリドとコレステロール値を低下させる。クロムピコリン酸は、2型糖尿病のサプリメントまたは代替医療として使用することができます。それはボディを増やすことができますそれは細胞が血流からグルコースを抽出することができますが、インスリンへの39の感度は、グルコースが細胞に入るのを支援した後、クロムピコリン酸は、使用のためのエネルギーにグルコースを変換することができます。ピコリン酸クロムは、体重管理、血糖制御、運動強化に広く使用されています。
グリーン 春技術用品飼料グレードのピコリン酸クロム粉末,高含有量と良好な安定性を有します。私たちは halal、kosher、cosmos、brc、ifs、fda、isoなど多くの認証を取得。弊社の制品はすべて欧州薬局方、米国薬局方、日本薬局方などの国際規格に準拠しております。グリーン スプリングには独立した試験室と先進的な試験装置があり、日常的な物理的および化学的指標、有効成分含有量、溶剤残留物、農薬残留物、重金属元素、微生物学などの項目を試験することができます。私たちは、信頼できるサードパーティのテストレポートを提供することができます。
Testing Method
(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています
Intensively farmed animals are exposed to a large number of stresses such as nutritional stress, environmental stress, immunological stress, and metabolic stress. Stress leads to changes in glucose metabolism and mineral metabolism in animals. Stool glycogen degradation and protein xenobiosis are enhanced, and enhanced glucose utilization leads to an increase in tissue chromium, which is eventually excreted from the body. Supplementation with chromium picolinate powder can reduce mortality due to stress, improve endocrinology, increase production performance, and reduce excretion of other mineral elements.
Improvement of Carcass Quality
Since the 1990s, the most studied source of chromium in animal nutrition, especially in pigs, has been chromium picolinate. The addition of 200 × 10-9 inorganic chromium (supplied as CrCl3 .6H2O) to fattening pig diets failed to improve growth and carcass composition. The addition of 200 × 10- 9 organic chromium to fattening pig diets significantly improved carcass quality, reduced backfat thickness, and increased lean body mass.
Chromium supplementation can increase the concentration of endogenous growth hormones in pigs. Chromium picolinate, chromium nicotinate, and chromium yeast were added to the feed of growing and fattening pigs at a concentration of 0.2 mg/kg, respectively, and the results showed that the differences between these three kinds of organic chromium in the daily weight gain and feed-to-weight ratios of growing and fattening pigs were significant.
Improve the Quality of Livestock Products
It was found that the addition of 0.2 mg/kg chromium pyridine carboxylate to the diet of 3-week-old broiler chickens increased ketone body protein content and decreased fat content. The study showed that the addition of 800 μg/kg of organochromium (chromium picolinate powder) to the diet increased body weight, daily weight gain, and feed conversion ratio of broilers at 56d of age by 7.5%, 11.9%, and 6.5%, respectively. The results showed that chromium supplementation to broilers kept at high temperatures (30-35℃) could increase the weight gain and feed conversion ratio. In the control group, 0.25 mg/kg chromium pyridine carboxylate, 0.50 mg/kg chromium pyridine carboxylate, 0.25 mg/kg chromium citrate, and 0.50 mg-kg-1 chromium citrate were added.
The experiment was divided into 2 phases: pre-growth period (1-28 d of age) and growth period (29-42 d of age). During the growth period, only 0.50 mg/kg chromium pyridine carboxylate significantly increased the daily weight gain and decreased the feed-to-weight ratio compared to the control, and had the same results from the whole period. Both 0.50 mg/kg chromium citrate and 0.50 mg/kg chromium pyridine carboxylate significantly increased leg muscle percentage in the pre-growth period of broilers as compared to the control and had no significant effect on the growth period.
For Feed Product:
Chromium picolinate powder can be used as a feed additive, which can increase the output rate and survival rate of livestock meat, eggs, milk, and offspring, and promote the rapid growth of livestock and poultry by reducing sugar and fat. Improve feed return rate and regulate the endocrine system. Enhance the reproductive performance of livestock and poultry, improve the quality of livestock and poultry carcasses, and increase lean meat percentage. Reduce stress in livestock and enhance their ability to resist stress. Enhance the immune function of livestock and poultry, and reduce the risks of livestock and poultry breeding.
For Health Products:
Chromium picolinate is a more stable chromium compound that can increase the biological activity of insulin, with functions such as promoting glucose and lipid metabolism, which in turn has an adjunctive effect on the treatment of type II diabetes. Chromium picolinate powder can be used as a health food additive.