Fenugreek Seed Extract Powder
Fenugreek Seed





Testing Method: UV


残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠

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  • フェヌグリークシードエキスフラノステロールサポニンとは何ですか?

    フェヌグリーク種子抽出物は、マメ科フェヌグリークの乾燥成熟種子の有効成分です。国内外の研究により、フェヌグリーク種子抽出物にはステロイド性サポニンが多く含まれていることが明らかになっています。6% ~ 1%;様々なフラボノイドとフラボノイド配糖体を含んでいます;そして、コリン、フェヌグリークアルカロイドを含む様々なアルカロイドがあります。近年の研究によると、フェヌグリークには様々な薬理作用があり、低血糖、低脂血症、抗酸化作用、心臓と腎臓の保護作用、胃粘膜の保護作用、抗腫瘍作用、鎮痛作用、抗炎症作用などがある。


    グリーン 春技術用品夕颜シードエキスフラノステロルサポニンは、良質のフェヌロク種子を天日乾燥させて粉砕した後、蒸留水で煎じ、有効成分を水に溶かして抽出物とし、減圧濃縮・濾過・分離を経て製造される。限外ろ過ナノろ過膜を使用すると、有効成分が必要な濃度に達し、高純度のフェヌグリークシードエキスが得られます。


    グリーン spring technology社は、植物抽出物の分野で24年の経験を持つ中国有数の植物抽出物技術会社です。私たちはセットの体系的な品質管理システム、原料いて収获まで、注文およびdeep-processing工程上に厳正に基づき手続きのGMP生産規格ようにプロ試験機製品の質(コンテンツにいたる湿気でアッシュ残留農薬、等)欧州薬局方に合わせ、米薬局方と他の国际基准






    Trigonella foenum-graecum Lを有する。







    Testing Method





    (ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています





    Lowering Blood Sugar

    Fenugreek seed has obvious hypoglycemic activity. The combination of fenugreek seed extract and vanadate (low dose) has a good effect on diabetes. Research has shown that gourd extract can have a hypoglycemic effect by inhibiting the absorption of glucose in the small intestine. Animal experiments have found that after feeding rats with gourd extract, pancreatic islets were observed β Cell damage is reduced, and the contents of low-activity superoxide dismutase and catalase caused by diabetes are also recovered to a certain extent, even close to the normal level. The mechanism may be that 4-hydroxyisoleucine in fenugreek can stimulate pancreatic islets β Cells, and fenugreek alkaloids can reduce the production of nitric oxide and nitric oxide synthase by increasing the activity of antioxidant enzymes, thereby alleviating the impact of oxidative free radicals on pancreatic islets β Damage to cells.


    Antioxidant Activity    

    Fenugreek extracts showed a good scavenging effect on oxidative free radicals and the scavenging rate increased with increasing concentration of the extracts with a quantitative effect relationship. Fenugreek seeds have a high saponin-to-protein content ratio and the extracts of fenugreek seeds, pericarp, and endosperm showed 72%, 64%, and 56% antioxidant activity through free radical scavenging at a concentration of 200 μg /L, respectively, and the study suggests that isolation of fenugreek seeds into pericarp and endosperm can sufficiently improve their antioxidant capacity and help in grading the bioactivity.


    Protecting the Kidneys       

    As a traditional Chinese medicine in China, fenugreek has the efficacy of dispelling cold, warming the kidneys and strengthening the yang, and is commonly used for lumbar and knee soreness, cold hernia abdominal pain and other diseases. Animal experiments have shown that the total saponins in fenugreek seed extract can improve lipid disorders in rats with nephrotic syndrome models, and this effect may be one of the important ways for fenugreek to improve kidney injury. In addition, fenugreek extract has an obvious therapeutic effect on rats with chronic renal failure, which can reduce the level of urea nitrogen and creatinine in blood, and can effectively reduce the damage to renal tissue.


    Cardiovascular and Heart Protection     

    Fenugreek has significant cardiovascular protective effects. Studies have shown that fenugreek contains quercetin, which activates potassium channels, induces hyperpolarisation of cells, and then Ca2+ transmembrane flow in endothelial cells, leading to an increase in NO, smooth muscle relaxation and vasorelaxation, thus playing an important role in cardiovascular protection.


    For Health Products:

    Fenugreek extract has a variety of biological activities, such as antioxidant, hypolipidemic, hypoglycaemic, immunomodulatory, and other effects, which is positive on the prevention and improvement of many diseases. Therefore, Fenugreek Extract Fenugreek Extract, as a natural, effective, and safe raw material for health care products, has a very broad prospect in the international market and has great potential for development.


    In the Food Field:

    The greatest use of fenugreek extract and oleoresin is as a flavouring agent in artificial maple syrup, which is popular with Americans and Canadians. Roasted fenugreek extract has a strong curry flavour and is therefore widely used in savoury cooked products. Unroasted roasted fenugreek seed extract, which contains mainly fixed oils, has a very persistent celery odour and has therefore attracted the attention of perfumers. Fenugreek extracts are also used as flavouring agents in tobacco.


    For Feed Product:

    Fenugreek seed extract has anti-inflammatory, growth-promoting, and immunity-regulating effects and can be used in feed products. Adding 0.2% fenugreek seed extract to weaned piglets can increase serum immunoglobulin G content and enhance immunity. Adding 1% fenugreek powder to broiler diets can significantly improve white blood cell immunity, lymphocyte and platelet counts, and overall blood parameters and lipids. Feeding fenugreek to dairy cows increased milk production by 16 percent and pup growth by 11 percent, with no harm to pup metabolism.

  • フラノステロールサポニンcoaを抽出する

  • コスモス2023







