出典ココナッツ 石油
Testing Method: GC
残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠
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「MCT" ~中鎖トリグリセライド飽和脂肪酸の一種です彼らは時々中鎖脂肪酸と呼ばれています" mcfa "mct油は脂肪酸の純粋なソースですmctは、その化学構造の長さにちなんで命名されました。すべてのタイプの脂肪酸は、結合した炭素と水素から構成されています。脂肪酸は炭素数によって分類され、短鎖脂肪酸(例えば、酪酸)は炭素数6未満、中鎖脂肪酸は炭素数6 ~ 12、長鎖脂肪酸(例えば、オメガ3)は炭素数13 ~ 21である。
mctは、体が炭素結合を分解するために行う作業が少ないため、長鎖脂肪酸よりも容易に吸収されます。中鎖トリグリセリド(mct)は小さいので、私たちの細胞膜をより簡単に貫通することができます'tはそれらを利用するために私たちの体を得るために特別な酵素を使用するために私たちを必要とします。また、中鎖トリグリセリドは長鎖脂肪酸よりも吸収されやすく、体が炭素結合を分解する働きが少ないためです。ココナッツオイルはmct(中鎖脂肪酸トリグリセリド)の最も重要な供給源の1つで、ココナッツオイル中の脂肪酸の約62 ~ 65%がmctです。
绿豊かな春技術用品な自然环境を一緒の粉はself-flowing microencapsulated粉制服球状の粒を提供するために一律に具材を加えて混ぜことができる优秀なやすく、end-product発展の空间はも多いwater-solubilityやwater-dispersibilityとしてに高いoil-carrying能力(50% ~ 70%)。
green spring社は、2000年に設立された中国有数のバイオテクノロジー企業で、顧客に天然、安全、有機植物エキスを提供することに専念しています。7つの認証と7つの特許を持ち、62カ国以上で販売され、2,450以上の顧客にサービスを提供しています。当社の製品はhalal、kosher、cosmos、brc、ifs、fda、isoなど多くの認証を受けています。私たちは、信頼できるサードパーティのテストレポートを提供することができます。
Testing Method
(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています
Enhances Athletic Performance
MCT is thought to increase energy levels during high-intensity exercise and act as an alternative energy source, conserving glycogen reserves. Several older human and animal studies suggest it may enhance endurance and benefit athletes on low-carbohydrate diets. One animal study (Ref. 7) found that mice fed a medium-chain triglyceride-rich diet performed better in a swimming test than mice fed an LCT-rich diet.
May Help with Weight Loss
MCT provides about 10 percent fewer calories than LCT, i.e. 8.4 calories per gram for MCT versus 9.2 calories per gram for LCT. Most cooking oils contain both MCT and LCT, which may offset any calorie difference. One study (Ref. 1) found that MCT resulted in a greater increase in peptide YY and leptin, two hormones that help reduce appetite and increase satiety, compared to LCT. MCTs are absorbed and digested more quickly than LCTs, they are first used as energy rather than stored as body fat. Several older animal and human studies (Ref. 2) suggest that MCT (primarily C8 and C10) may increase the body's ability to burn fat and calories.
Effects on Diabetes
MCT may also help lower blood sugar levels. In one study (Ref. 12), an MCT-rich diet improved insulin sensitivity in adults with type 2 diabetes. Another study of 40 overweight individuals with type 2 diabetes (ref. 13) found that MCT supplementation improved diabetes risk factors. It reduces body weight, waist circumference, and insulin resistance.
Effects on Brain Function
MCT produces ketones, which act as an alternative energy source for the brain and therefore may improve brain function in people on a ketogenic diet (defined as a carbohydrate intake of less than 50 grams per day). One major study found that MCT improved learning, memory, and brain processing in people with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. However, this effect was only observed in people without the APOE4 gene variant. As an adjunctive treatment, the ketogenic diet has been shown to have the potential to improve cognitive function and enhance the quality of life in Alzheimer's patients, but the improvement in cognitive function only occurs when the patient's ketone levels are elevated. The improvement in brain function from MCT may be primarily through ketone bodies.
For Health Products:
Medium chain triglycerides are easy to digest and absorb in the body but are also cleared from the bloodstream relatively quickly. Therefore, medium chain triglycerides are ideal for use in post-surgical, infected, and skin burn patients. The ketogenic effects of MCT have been emphasised and applied. Ketogenic diets formulated using MCT help improve drug resistance in epilepsy treatment. Keeping tumour patients in a state of ketosis with MCT inhibits glucose metabolism and growth of the tumour and maintains the nutritional status of the patient.
Medium chain triglycerides can also be used in patients with malnutrition, food allergies, chronic diarrhoea, fat malabsorption, short bowel syndrome, intestinal fistulae, inflammatory bowel disease, fatty liver and pancreatitis. In addition, medium chain triglyceride has no adverse effect on blood glucose and insulin concentration, so it is also suitable for diabetics.
MCT oil powder is also used in pharmaceuticals, energy supplementation, non-intestinal injectable drugs, speciality medical food (whole nutritional speciality medical formulas, separate fat component products), and baby food. For example, Nestle, Mead Johnson, and Wyeth's products contain OPO/MCT a class of structural oil microencapsulated powder.