Testing Method: HPLC
残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠
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pyrroloquinoline quinone powderとは何ですか?
pyrroloquinoline quinone (pqq)は、強い酸化還元活性を持つ新しい水溶性ビタミンで、一部の微生物、植物、動物組織に見られるoxidoreductase補因子である。また、pqqは様々な酸化還元反応に関与しており、補因子として働き、一連の細胞および分子生化学反応を仲介することにより、人体の生理学的および代謝過程に影響を与えている。pqqは自然界に広く存在しており、多くの動物、植物の微生物、およびいくつかの一般的な食品が含まれています。ピロロキノリンキノンは、細胞の酸化還元反応能力を高め、体がエネルギーをよりよく利用し、代謝を高め、疲労を防ぎ、集中力と記憶力を向上させるのを助けます。pqqはまた、有害なフリーラジカルから保護し、人体を保護するのに役立ちます強力な抗酸化能力を持っています'の健康と生命活動。
のPyrroloquinoline Quinone粉グリーンスプリング技術によって供給されるバルクは、環境への汚染が少なく、反応が穏やかで安全な微生物発酵・合成法によって生産されます。このピロロキノリンキノン粉末は、高含有量で良好な安定性を有します。原料から製品に至るまで、全生産工程が制御可能で追跡可能で、各種汚染物質の検査もグローバル基準を満たしている。
Testing Method
(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています
Nutrition and Protection of Nerves
Pyrroloquinoline quinone(PQQ) plays a prominent role in nutrition and nerve protection. Nerve growth factor (NGF) plays an important regulatory role in the development, growth, regeneration, and functional expression of central and peripheral neurons. Early research found that PQQ can promote the generation of NGF. Pyrroloquinoline quinone can promote the synthesis and secretion of NGF by Schwann cells, indicating that this effect of PQQ occurs at the pre-transcriptional level. Pyrroloquinoline quinone can significantly reduce neurobehavioral defects and infarct size, indicating its potential value in preventing and treating stroke. The mechanism of PQQ inhibiting oxidative stress leading to neuronal death is related to increasing the level of DJ-1-reducing protein in the brain.
Alleviate Inflammation
Pyrroloquinoline quinone can significantly inhibit the inflammatory response and protect the body tissues. Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by the body's immune cells mistaking joint cells for foreign invaders and then attacking them. The body then releases inflammatory factors and enzymes that damage the articular cartilage and even the entire joint. The researchers found that PQQ inhibited the release of inflammatory factors from fibroblast-like synovial cells and prevented the activation of nuclear transcription factors.
The researchers also found that pyrroloquinoline quinone powder reduced the activity of specific enzymes (such as matrix metalloproteinases) that break down ear collagen in the joints. Nitric oxide is one of the biological indicators of inflammation, and it is supposed to reduce inflammation and dilate vascular nerves. However, under certain circumstances, excess nitric oxide can lead to inflammation in order to stimulate mitochondrial biosynthesis, resulting in an increase in their number and function, thus improving energy utilization.PQQ can regulate mitochondria through four pathways: Disorders. This test shows that pyrroloquinoline quinone also has the effect of reducing collagenolytic enzymes and nitric oxide.
Increase the Number of Mitochondria
Mitochondria are important sites for cells to undergo oxidative phosphorylation and generate energy, serving as the power factory of cells. More than 95% of the energy for body movement comes from mitochondria. Pyrroloquinoline quinone increases the number and function of mitochondria by regulating the biosynthesis of oxidative enzyme proliferators activating receptor factors. PQQ can stimulate the cyclic adenosine phosphate binding protein to regulate mitochondrial biosynthesis. Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) increases the synthesis of mitochondrial transcription factors through gene regulation and nuclear respiratory factor (NRF) action, achieving regulation of mitochondria.
Enhance metabolism, enhance the role of immunity
Pyrroloquinoline quinone can stimulate the growth of human cells, especially activate human B-cells, and T-cells, so that it produces antibodies to improve the immune function of the body.PQQ can reduce fatigue, reduce anxiety, reduce LDL cholesterol levels, improve sleep quality, and prolong sleep time.
For Health Products:
Pyrroloquinoline quinone powder has a variety of health benefits, including antioxidant effects, promoting energy metabolism, protecting the nervous system, improving sleep quality, enhancing immunity, promoting cardiovascular health, and promoting liver health. Therefore, PQQ is widely used in the field of nutraceuticals. Pyrroloquinoline quinone powder(PQQ) is regulated as a "Generally Recognised As Safe (GRAS)" substance in the United States, and can be used as an ingredient in energy drinks, sports drinks, electrolyte drinks, and other food products; and in the EU and Canada, it is used as a dietary supplement or natural health food.
In Pharmaceutical:
Pyrroloquinoline quinone powder is used abroad in anti-glycation and brain health pharmaceutical research, respectively.
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