学名:spinacia oleracea。
Testing Method: UV
残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠
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ホウレンソウ(spinacia oleracea l .)は、キヌア科ホウレンソウ属の一年草です。ほうれん草にはビタミンa、ビタミンcが豊富に含まれており、鉄、マンガン、亜鉛など様々な微量元素が含まれています。それは抗酸化物質を有し、人間の代謝のために、免疫系の抵抗性を向上させ、血液産生が重要な役割を果たしています。ほうれん草には食物繊維が豊富に含まれており、便通促進や便秘解消に効果があります。食物繊維はまた、血糖や血中脂質を制御し、心血管の健康を維持するのに役立ちます。ほうれん草は低カロリーで栄養価の高い食品で、健康的な食事を求める人に適しています。
グリーンスプリング技術は、中国の大手バイオ企業で、高品質の植物抽出物の研究開発に専念しています。iso、haccpおよびその他の品質基準に従って生産を組織し、その製品はeu ec396、eu 2023/915、および最高の溶媒残基基準に準拠した最高の国際的な業界基準を実装しています。グリーンスプリングはhalal、kosher、cosmos、brc、ifs、fda、isoなど多くの認証を取得しています。権威あるサードパーティのテストレポートが利用可能です。
Spinacia Oleracea Lを有する。
Testing Method
(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています
Blood Tonic
Spinach powder has a higher amount of protein than other vegetables and contains a considerable amount of chlorophyll, especially containing vitamin K is the highest in leafy vegetables (mostly in the root), and can be used for nosebleeds, and intestinal bleeding auxiliary treatment. Spinach blood theory and its rich carotenoids, and ascorbic acid related to the two have an important role in health and blood.
Protects the Eyes
Spinach powder is rich in vitamin A and carotenoids, which are important for the development of the optic nerve in humans. Spinach is one of the best sources of lutein, which is very effective in preventing "retinal macular degeneration" caused by eye aging. Researchers at Ohio State University in the United States have shown that the high levels of lutein found in dark green leafy vegetables are very helpful in preventing cataracts. Spinach is also a good source of vitamin B2 and beta-carotene. beta-carotene, which can be converted into vitamin A in the body, preventing many eye diseases.
Supplementary Nutrition
Spinach powder is rich in carotene, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, and a certain amount of iron, vitamin E, rue II, coenzyme Q10, and other beneficial ingredients, which can supply the human body with a variety of nutrients; its iron, iron deficiency anaemia has a better adjuvant therapy.
Promote Metabolism
Spinach powder contains fluorine - raw zeol, 6 - hydroxymethyl pterostilbene dione, and trace element substances, which can promote the body's metabolism and enhance health. Consumption of spinach can reduce the risk of stroke.
Strong Bones
The vitamin K content in spinach powder is relatively high among leafy greens. Adequate intake of vitamin K can promote the body's free calcium into bone calcium, enhance calcium utilization, strengthen bone density, and prevent osteoporosis. In addition, a study by German scientists also confirmed that spinach has the role of muscle enhancement and strength growth.
Spinach powder contains a class of natural antioxidant substance system (NAO), mainly consisting of flavonoids and coumarins, which prevents lipid peroxidation. Lomnitski et al [5] found that NAO attenuates oxidative stress and effectively prevents lipopolysaccharide-induced hepatic injury by inhibiting the expression of inducible nitric oxide in the lipopolysaccharide model.
In the Food Field:
Spinach powder is rich in nutrients and can be used in pasta products, puffed food, meat products, dairy products, confectionery products, baked products and other fields, which can help to improve the nutritional composition of the products, improve the colour and flavour of the products, as well as enriching the variety of products, etc. It is also a pure colouring agent, which is an excellent raw material for processing vegetable bread, vegetable noodles and special food. It is also a kind of pure natural colouring agent, which is an excellent raw material for processing vegetable bread, vegetable noodles, special food and so on.