ステビア葉抽出物reb a 98
ラテン語名:stevia rebaudiana(ベルトーニ)hemsl
Testing Method: HPLC
残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠
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ステビア葉エキス(stevia leaf extract)またはステビア(stevia)またはステビオール配糖体(steviol glycosides)は、キク科の草本植物ステビアから抽出・単離される甘い味のジテルペノイドである。乾燥させたステビアの葉を水に浸し、液体をろ過して葉や茎から分離し、さらに水または食品グレードのアルコールを使用して完全に伝統的な植物抽出法で精製することによって得られる。これはステビオール配糖体である。
グリーン 春技術用品ステビア叶エキスreb a 98は、ステビアの乾燥葉から抽出した水とアルコールを沈殿させ、高純度のreb a 98を得ます。純粋な甘味、安定した特性、良好な溶解性、低水分を有し、保存期間を延長することができます。
グリーン spring technology社は、20年以上の植物抽出物の経験を持つ中国の大手バイオテクノロジー企業で、高品質の植物抽出物の開発と供給に取り組んでいます。ハラール、コーシャ、cosmos、brc、ifs、fda、iso9001、iso22000など多くの認証を取得しています。グリーン スプリングはiso、haccp、その他の品質基準に従って生産を組織し、eu ec396、eu 2023/915、および最高の溶媒残基基準に準拠した最高の国際的な業界基準を実施しています。
ステビアrebaudiana (Bertoni) Hemsl
Testing Method
(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています
Prevention of Diabetes
Stevia leaf extract steviol glycosides cannot be digested in the human digestive tract. The ingested steviol glycosides pass through the stomach and small intestine into the colon and are fermented and utilized by intestinal microorganisms to generate short-chain fatty acids. The calorific value of steviol glycosides is indirectly generated from short-chain fatty acids, which is about 6.3kJ/g. The non-digestibility of steviol glycosides will not cause an increase in blood glucose concentration after intake, and will not promote the rise of insulin concentration in the blood, which makes it suitable for use by diabetic patients.
Tumor Prevention
The mixture of steviol glycosides can inhibit dimethylbenzanthracene-induced skin cancer formation in mice, which can be seen to have the effect of preventing tumorigenesis. The non-digestibility and non-fermentation of steviol glycosides can promote the maintenance of normal intestinal ecology, increase the volume of feces and reduce fecal pH, which has a good preventive effect on constipation and anal and rectal diseases. In addition, with the increase in fecal volume, toxic substances in the intestines can be diluted, thus preventing the occurrence of cancerous diseases.
Prevention of Hypertension
Stevia leaf extract steviol glycosides have some anti-hypertensive effects, and it has been shown that this effect of steviol glycosides may be related to their inhibitory effect on calcium ion inward flow.
Flavonoids in stevia leaves have good antioxidant capacity, which is a good natural free radical scavenger and plays an important role in anti-aging and improving immunity.
Stevia has been shown to prevent the rise of blood glucose by inhibiting hepatic gluconeogenesis. The steviol glycosides contained in stevioside and rebaudianin A can increase the sensitivity of the pancreatic and stimulate the secretion of insulin by pancreatic islet cells, which can safely alleviate the effects of type II diabetes mellitus.
Anti-Inflammatory and Antibacterial
Stevia extract has a strong inhibitory effect on Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Bacillus subtilis, the bactericidal ability is 2.5 times higher than that of potassium sorbate, and the ability to prevent the growth of Bacillus subtilis is better than that of penicillin.
In the Food Field:
As a natural sweetener, stevia extract has a wide range of applications and development potential in the food field. It can be used as a sweetener in beverages to replace or reduce the use of traditional or synthetic sweeteners such as sucrose, fructose, aspartame, etc., to reduce the calories and cost of beverages, while maintaining or enhancing the taste and flavor of beverages. Stevia extract powder can be used as a sweetener in dairy products to reduce the calorie and lactose content of dairy products while maintaining or enhancing the nutrition and flavor of dairy products.
It can be used as a sweetener in pastries, replacing or reducing the use of traditional sweeteners such as sugar, honey, corn syrup, etc. It reduces the calorie and glycemic index (GI) of pastries while maintaining or enhancing the texture and aroma of the pastries. Stevia extract powder can be used as a sweetener in condiments to reduce the calorie and sodium content of condiments while maintaining or enhancing the color and aroma of the condiments.
In Pharmaceutical:
Stevia leaf extract can be used as a flavoring agent for the taste of medicines to improve the comfort of taking them. It is also widely used in oral care products, such as chewing gum and toothpaste, to increase the taste and appeal of the products. Stevia is used in traditional Chinese medicine as a remedy for clearing heat removing toxins and reducing fire. It has a variety of pharmacological effects such as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, and hypoglycemic. By regulating insulin secretion and metabolism, stevia can also be effective in the treatment and prevention of diabetes.
ステビア葉抽出物reb a 98 coa