Sweet Purple Potato
Sweet Purple Potato Powder


ラテン語名:Ipomoea batatas (l)林


Testing Method: HPLC


残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠

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    グリーンスプリング技術は、新鮮で高品質な紫芋を原料に、皮むき、乾燥などの工程を経て紫芋粉を製造しています。それは純粋な色、口の中で新鮮な紫芋のさわやかな感じ、水に溶けやすく、そのメッシュサイズは100 ~ 120の間で調整可能です。添加物、保存料、顔料、および色や味の類似または類似の物質の非添加は含まれていません。100%天然のグリーンフードです。一般的に健康製品、固形飲料、ジャム、フィリング、ケーキ、パスタ、プレス菓子、および他の分野で使用されます。


    2000年、グリーンに加入 spring technologyは、お客様に自然で安全な有機植物抽出物を提供することに取り組んでいます。当社のすべての製品は、eu ec396、eu 2023/915、および最高の溶媒残基基準に従って、最高の国際基準に従って製造されています。グリーン スプリングは、すべての製品について包括的なトレーサビリティシステムを確立しています。ハラール、コーシャ、cosmos、brc、ifs、fda、isoなど多くの認証を取得しています。権威あるサードパーティのテストレポートが利用可能です。






    Ipomoea batatas (l)林



    Testing Method





    (ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています





    Helps Weight Loss

    Purple potato powder is a low-calorie ingredient and contains a large amount of water-soluble fiber and a variety of trace elements that are beneficial to the human body. Consumption of purple potato powder can increase the feeling of satiety, accelerate the burning and metabolism of fat in the body, promote decomposition and discharge, and help to lose weight.


    Preventing and Controlling Constipation

    Purple potato flour is rich in fiber, which can increase the volume of feces and promote peristalsis. It can clean up the mucus, gas, and rotting matter retained in the intestinal lumen, and excrete the toxic and carcinogenic substances in the feces. Keeps the stool unobstructed and improves the environment of the digestive tract. Prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases.


    Helps Inhibit Cancer Cells

    Purple potato flour is rich in selenium and anthocyanins. Selenium and iron are essential elements for the body to resist fatigue, anti-aging and blood replenishment. It is easily absorbed by the body and effectively stays in the blood serum, repairs the heart muscle and strengthens the body's immunity. It removes cancer-producing free radicals in the body, inhibits the synthesis of DNA in cancer cells and the division and growth of cancer cells, and prevents the occurrence of stomach cancer, liver cancer and other diseases.


    Enhancement of Immunity

    Purple potato flour contains a large number of mucus protein, can prevent liver and kidney connective tissue atrophy, improve immunity, and prevent collagen disease. In addition, purple potato flour rich in selenium and iron is the body's anti-fatigue, anti-aging, blood necessary elements, especially selenium is easily absorbed by the body, can be left in the serum, repairing the heart muscle, enhances the body's immunity, clear the body of free radicals, for the maintenance of human health, prevention of disease has a very good effect.


    Protects the Heart

    Purple potato flour contains anthocyanin, which can help inhibit low-density lipoprotein oxidation and platelet aggregation. It can effectively prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis and reduce the incidence of cardiovascular diseases.



    Purple potatoes contain anthocyanins and trace elements selenium are important antioxidant component, they can prevent the occurrence of oxidation reactions in the body, accelerate the body's lipid peroxide and free radical metabolism, to stop the destruction of these harmful substances on the body's cells. It will slow down the aging rate of the human body significantly.


    In the Food Field:

    Purple sweet potato red colorant is heat-resistant, can withstand pasteurisation in the food industry, and is soluble in alcohol and aqueous solutions, so it is mainly used as a red to purplish-red colouring agent for foodstuffs such as ice-cream, dairy beverages, cheeses, aquaculture products, juice beverages, jellies, cereals and other foodstuffs.


    Frozen Food Industry

    Purple potato powder in the frozen industry is mainly used for dumplings, frozen cutlets and frozen buns, mainly used in the production process to replace part of the wheat flour, while non-frozen buns and cutlets can also be added to the purple potato flour, but also as a raw material added to the purple potato ice cream.


    Bakery Industry

    Purple potato powder is widely used in the baking industry, mainly used to replace part of the wheat flour, as a raw material added to the food. The common ones are purple potato bread, purple potato toast, purple potato biscuits, purple potato is, anhydrous cake and purple potato biscuits, etc.; it can also be used for spraying the surface of bread, which is both beautiful and nutritious. At the same time, another great role of purple potato flour is used to make mooncake filling, whether it is Cantonese mooncake or other mooncakes can use purple potato flour to make filling.


    Beverage Industry

    Purple potato powder can be added as an ingredient in solid beverages, such as purple potato milk tea, purple potato soy milk and other coarse grain drinks.

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