商品名:アストラガルスエキスパウダー Astragaloside
化学検査:Astragaloside 10%
Testing Method: HPLC
残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠
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astragalus extract powderとは何ですか?
astragalus extractはastragalus membranaceus (fisch)の乾燥した根から得られる。マメ科の植物であるbgeは、一連の精製を経て抽出され、その主な有効成分はastragalus astragalosideを含みます と耆のだアストラガリ多糖類は、血中脂質を低下させる効果、すなわちコレステロールやトリグリセリドを低下させ、高密度リポタンパク質を上昇させる効果があります。アストラガロシドは、血糖値、糖化ヘモグロビン、尿蛋白質を大幅に低下させる効果があり、腎皮質と血清の老化を減少させることができ、抗酸化作用があることを示し、アルドースレダクターゼを阻害し、つながれた膜細胞の増殖を抑制し、腎臓の肥大を減少させる。
グリーンスプリング技術は、純粋な自然を提供します耆の抽出粉モンゴルのastragalus membranaceusの乾燥した根から得られます。これは、良好な水溶性を有する安全で高含有量の微粒子です。原料のアストラガルスの根からアストラガロシドまで、すべての生産が管理され、追跡可能です。グリーンスプリング技術は、原材料の残留農薬を厳格に監視し、さまざまな汚染物質のテストは、グローバル基準を満たしています。
耆の抽出粉 Astragaloside
マメ科の植物astragalus membranaceus (fisch)の根。Bge
Astragaloside: 10%
Testing Method
(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています
Enhancement of Body Immunity
Astragalus extract Astragaloside can significantly increase the level of lymphocyte transformation and the rate of E wreath formation in coccidia-immunised chickens, and is an effective activator of the monocyte-macrophage system. Astragaloside can also improve oxidation, increase GSH-PX and SOD activities in immune organs, and improve immune defense and immune surveillance functions.
Astragaloside can enhance the function of the antioxidant enzyme system in the organism, reduce the content of LP0, and reduce the damage of reactive oxygen radicals to the organism, thus reducing the morbidity and mortality of MD. Astragalus Extract Powder can improve the body's low immune function due to tumors, promote the activation of immune cells to release endogenous factors and prevent the killing and inhibition of tumor cells caused by peroxidation. Astragalus extract powder Astragaloside has the effect of inhibiting the growth of the influenza virus and inhibiting the activity of the salivary acid enzyme, and it has an obvious effect on the function of influenza virus cell membrane and affects the adsorption and penetration of the virus into sensitive cells.
Astragalus extract powder astragaloside has strong killing and inhibiting effects on the ND virus. The premise is that the use of astragaloside precedes the discovery of infection with ND virus, so it is best to use astragaloside for a long period of time. Avian myeloblastic leukaemia (AMB) 3-day-old AA broiler chickens given astragaloside while infected with the virus of AMB can reduce the morbidity and mortality rate of AMB, increase the content of LPO in the immune organs such as the spleen and thymus gland, and significantly enhance the immune organs such as the spleen and the thymus gland on the medullary origin of the tumour cells. Secondly, Astragaloside, an extract of Astragalus membranaceus, also has obvious preventive and therapeutic effects on respiratory diseases such as infectious laryngotracheitis in chickens.
Astragalus extract Astragaloside can prevent adrenal hyperplasia and thymus atrophy in the alert period of stress response, and prevent abnormal changes in the resistance and exhaustion periods of stress response, thus playing an anti-stress role. In particular, it has a significant effect on the two-way regulation of enzymes in the process of nutrient metabolism, and to a certain extent reduces and eliminates the effects of heat stress on the physiological functions of the organism.
Growth Promoter
Astragalus root extract Astragaloside can enhance the physiological metabolic effects of cells, promote blood circulation, enhance the metabolism of the animal body, and play a role in nutritional health care. Studies have shown that it can promote the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli and has the effect of probiotics.
In the Feed Industry:
In poultry farming, Astragalus extract can not only prevent common poultry diseases, such as E. coli and viral diseases but also improve the growth rate and meat quality of poultry. Studies have shown that adding the right amount of astragalus extract can effectively improve the meat quality of poultry, such as tender meat, good taste, and so on.
In addition, Astragalus extract powder can also improve the digestion and absorption ability of birds, and improve feed utilization. In the feeding process, adding Astragalus extract can promote the digestion and absorption of birds, reduce feed waste and improve feed utilization, thus reducing farming costs and increasing farming efficiency.
For Health Products:
The main components of Astragalus Extract are polysaccharides, saponins, flavonoids, amino acids, trace elements, and other organic substances. Powdered Astragalus Extract can be used in healthy food in combination with other extracts to improve the body's stress capacity, anti-radiation damage, and scavenging of oxygen free radicals.
astragalus粉末astragaloside coaを抽出します