商品名:武楯 ケルセチンDihydrate粉
化学検査:ケルセチンDihydrate 95%と、98%
Testing Method: HPLC
残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠
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ケルセチンは植物界に広く分布するフラボノイド化合物で、多くの野菜、果物、ハーブに含まれています。 ケルセチン二水和物(quercetin dihydrate)またはパクリタキセル(paclitaxel)、ダグラスファー(douglas fir)は、ビタミンpファミリーに属するジヒドロフラボノール化合物である。ケルセチン二水和物は、その名前が示すように、その構造式に2つの結晶水を含む。無水クェルセチンはクェルセチン二水和物の構造式中の2つの結晶水を除去し、ジヒドロクェルセチンはクェルセチンの還元型、すなわちクェルセチン母核の2,3位の二重結合の水素化の生成物である。
ケルセチンはマメ科植物ソホラ・ジャポニカの花芽に由来する。ジヒドロケルセチンは、ケルセチンの親核の2,3位の二重結合を水素化する方法と、カラチの木の部分から抽出する方法の2つの方法から得られる。ケルセチン二水和物(quercetin dihydrate)は、サプリメント、飲料、食品の成分として使用される植物化学物質または植物化学物質である。いくつかの研究で抗炎症作用と抗酸化作用がある可能性があり、潜在的な健康上の利点の広い範囲について研究されている。
ケルセチンDihydrate粉マメ科植物であるソラマメの花芽から抽出した「グリーンスプリング」技術を使用しており、様々な仕様が用意されています 高含有量で安定した品質です。原材料から製品まで、グリーンスプリング'の生産は制御され、追跡可能であり、様々な汚染物質のテストは、グローバル基準を満たしています。同社は、さまざまな指標の正確なテストのための完璧なテストシステムを備えています。
Testing Method
(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています
Anti-Inflammatory Effects
Quercetin reduces the release of inflammatory mediators by regulating NF-κB and inhibiting TNF-α production and gene expression as well as the expression of inflammatory mediator genes. The antioxidant effect of quercetin also helps to reduce the inflammatory response.
Quercetin has a broad-spectrum antibacterial property, and its antibacterial effect against Gram-negative bacteria is stronger than that against Gram-positive bacteria. Qin Xiaorong et al. showed that quercetin has the best antibacterial effect on Staphylococcus aureus, and the second-best antibacterial effect on Bacillus coli, Bacillus thuringiensis, Bacillus subtilis, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Protecting the Skin
Zhu Yu et al. found that the number of melanocytes increased significantly after the topical application of quercetin to the guinea pig epidermis, dihydrogen has a color-enhancing effect on the dorsal skin of brown guinea pigs and has the function of promoting melanocyte proliferation and melanin synthesis. In addition, quercetin also interfered with collagen transcription and combined with radiation significantly reduced collagen synthesis in keloid fibroblasts cultured in vitro.
Protects the Cardiovascular System
Dihydroquercetin can inhibit the release of endothelin and reduce the tension of blood vessels, thus lowering blood pressure. Quercetin can significantly inhibit the increase of total protein content of cardiomyocytes caused by angiotensin II, can significantly increase SOD activity, reduce MDA content, and have an obvious preventive effect on cardiomyocyte hypertrophy.
Helps Lower Blood Pressure
Often associated with cardiovascular health, high blood pressure affects millions of people worldwide each year. a report published in the Journal of Nutrition by Edward RL, PhD, Department of Nutrition at the University of Utah Quercetin has demonstrated the ability to lower blood pressure and eliminate the complications often associated with the disease. As a vasodilator, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant, quercetin contributes to heart health.
Helps Relieve Asthma
Quercetin acts as a bronchodilator, reducing the amount of inflammatory or allergic reaction chemicals in the body. As a result, a 2013 report published in the Journal of Nutrition states that it can reduce the severity of asthma attacks that react to these chemicals, and also reduce various forms of congestion unrelated to asthma.
In the Food Field:
The US FDA approved quercetin (≥99.5%) processed and produced from natural products as a GRAS substance in 2010. In addition, in Japan and South Korea, quercetin is included in the categories of existing food additives and natural food additives, respectively. Quercetin Dihydrate was approved by the European Union in 2017 to be placed on the EU market as a novel food ingredient.
For Health Products:
Quercetin can increase immunity or prevent infections, it is a good expectorant, a cough suppressant, has some asthmatic effects, is used in the treatment of chronic bronchitis, and is used in health products.
In Pharmaceutical:
Recent studies have shown that quercetin also significantly inhibits platelet-derived growth factor-induced proliferation of pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells, which is important for the prevention and treatment of pulmonary hypertension. Quercetin Dihydrate powder has been used in the pharmaceutical industry for its many pharmacological properties including antiviral, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, cardiovascular, and reproductive protection, and as an anti-obesity drug that may help prevent many chronic diseases.