Testing Method: HPLC
残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠
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スレオネートマグネシウム(magnesiuml threonate)は、分子式mg (c4h7o5)2- h2oで表されるグリコール酸である。研究は、マグネシウムlスレオネートが作業記憶、短期および長期記憶、および学習能力を改善することができることを実証しています。塩化マグネシウム、クエン酸マグネシウム、グルコン酸マグネシウムなどのマグネシウムイオンの他の化合物と比較して、マグネシウムlスレオネートは脳内のマグネシウムイオン濃度を有意に増加させ、認知能力を向上させる。
マグネシウムlスレオネートはまた、焦点を提供し、adhdを減らし、片頭痛を緩和し、アルツハイマー病を予防することが知られています' sですスレオネートマグネシウムは、不安症、睡眠障害、認知機能障害の患者に顕著な改善効果を示すことが知られている。マグネシウムlスレオネートは、脳および脳の認知能力に対する有意な改善効果を有することも知られている。
グリーン春 技術は2000年に設立された中国の大手バイオ企業で、植物エキス、栄養補助食品原料、栄養原料、化粧品原料などの研究開発と供給に専念しています。iso、haccpおよびその他の品質基準によって生産を組織し、eu ec396、eu 2023/915および最高の溶媒残基基準に準拠した業界最高の国際基準を実施しています。8つの認証と7つの特許を取得した当社の製品は、62カ国以上で販売され、2,450以上の顧客にサービスを提供し、高く評価されています。
Testing Method
(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています
Optimize Memory
Magnesium L threonate helps improve cognitive function in older individuals and is currently the only form of magnesium that can pass through the brain barrier into the nociceptors and can elevate magnesium concentrations in the brain Supplements of magnesium threonate can significantly increase synaptic activity and plasticity, and promote hippocampal function. The role of magnesium L threonate in neuroplasticity, learning, and memory is dependent on its interaction with the N-methyl-D-aspartic acid ( NMDA) receptor interaction. This receptor sits on top of the neuron and receives signals from afferent neurotransmitters here and then transmits the signal to the host neuron by opening the channel to allow an influx of calcium.
Magnesium L-threonate is a natural NMDA receptor antagonist, and this antagonism increases with increasing concentration. Magnesium L-threonate is relatively specific for NMDA receptor antagonism. Among the NMDA receptor subunits, glutamate receptor 2A (NR2A) and glutamate receptor 2B (NR2B) are sensitive to magnesium ion inhibition, whereas glutamate receptors 2C (NR2C) and glutamate receptor 2D (NR2D) are insensitive to magnesium ions. There is also a mechanism by which intracellular magnesium ion deficiency enhances NR2B receptor activity.
The relationship between magnesium and mental health is an interactive one, in that increased magnesium intake may help to alleviate stress and anxiety, while conversely, since stress may have increased the amount of magnesium released by the kidneys into the urine, stress may decrease the amount of magnesium in the body again.
Another study found that mice taking magnesium L-threonate were able to overcome their fears more quickly and re-establish an anxiety-free state for a longer period, relative to mice that did not ingest magnesium L-threonate for repair. This mechanism appears to be similar to that of memory, in that mice that ingested magnesium L-threonate were more likely to form new thought associations and retain new information, and were also able to adapt to new reassuring environments more quickly than their counterparts who were given magnesium L-threonate.
Improvement of Sleep
Studies have shown that when barbiturates are employed as hypnotic agents, barbiturates, at higher concentrations, exhibit gamma-aminobutyric acid mimetic effects and act as hypnotizers. gamma-Aminobutyric acid type A receptors mediate rapid synaptic inhibition in the mammalian brain, controlling their activity at the network and cellular levels. Magnesium ions potentiate γ-aminobutyric acid-evoked currents and influence γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor function through a mechanism of positive allosteric modulation. In addition, magnesium L-threonate can reduce certain pain and nociceptive sensitivities, reduce anxiety, and may improve sleep status by increasing body comfort to some extent.
For Healthcare Products:
L-Threonate can be used as a nutritional supplement to nourish the brain, improve memory, relieve tension, and protect the brain's nerves. As a carrier of magnesium, it can increase magnesium absorption, as well as increase the body's energy level and promote normal neuron function. Magnesium L Threonate is distinguished not only by its ability to be fully absorbed by the body through the gastrointestinal system but also by its unique ability to pass from the bloodstream to the brain. In addition to its use as a traditional magnesium supplement, Magnesium L Threonate powder is also used as a nutraceutical ingredient to improve memory, regulate mood, and protect the brain.
マグネシウムlトレオネート粉末99% coa