Natural Vitamin K2 MK7 Powder

天然ビタミンk2 mk7パウダー1.5%

商品名:天然ビタミンk2 mk7パウダー


Testing Method: HPLC


残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠

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  • 天然ビタミンk2 mk7粉末とは何ですか?

    ビタミンk2 (vitamin k2)またはmk-7 (menaquinone-7)は、脂溶性ビタミンk誘導体である。これは、ビタミンkファミリーのより活性な形態の一つであり、重要な生理学的機能を持っています。2017年7月1日、米国薬局方委員会は、ビタミンk2mk-7が優れた生物学的利用能を有すると結論付けた。mk-7は7つのイソプレノイドからなるビタミンk2(メチルナフトキノン)で、分子式c46h64o2、分子量649の側鎖を形成する。00.


    ビタミンk2 mk7は、mk-4よりも生物学的利用能が高く、半減期が長く、抗骨粗症活性が高い。ビタミンmk7は、ビタミンk2の最良の形態であり、納豆は、ビタミンk2 mk7の最良の供給源です。注意しなければならないのは「"trans"mk7の構成は生物学的に活性である。


    ビタミンk2 mk7は、肝外ビタミンk2依存性タンパク質(vk2dp)、オステオカルシン(oc)、マトリックスglaタンパク質(mgp)のカルボキシル化を促進する。


    2020年3月31日、栄養素誌は、佐藤敏郎らによる骨量と骨強度に対するビタミンk2 mk7の効果のレビューを発表した。結論:ビタミンk2 mk4と比較して、ビタミンk2 mk7は、より高い生物学的利用能と長い半減期を有し、骨密度を増加させ、骨質、骨強度、およびコラーゲン産生を改善する可能性が高い。


    グリーンスプリング技術用品天然ビタミンk2 mk7粉末1.5%は、nattokinellaの純粋な株によって生産され、より良い生物活性と高い生物学的利用能を持つビタミンk2 mk7の高活性株の現代のバイオテクノロジーによって誘発された出力。無有機溶剤抽出、物理的分離および濃度技術、二次汚染、無防腐剤、無添加、無化学溶剤、無合成、安定性と長期的な活性。





    ビタミンk2 mk7粉末





    Testing Method





    (ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています







    Vitamin K2 MK7 powder promotes bone formation and reduces bone resorption by activating osteocalcin, stimulating osteoblast differentiation, regulating extracellular matrix mineralization, and inhibiting osteoclastogenesis, thereby preventing osteoporosis. Moreover, animal studies and clinical trials over the years have proved that Vitamin K2 MK7 has the health benefits of promoting bone health and preventing osteoporosis. Therefore, MK7 supplements have been approved for marketing in China, and experts recommend that clinicians use supplements containing Vitamin K2 MK7 powder to prevent and treat osteoporosis.


    Improving Dental Health

    One of the major regulatory proteins for dental health is osteocalcin, a protein essential for bone metabolism that can be activated by vitamin K2. Dentin is the calcified tissue underneath the enamel on teeth, and osteocalcin triggers a mechanism that stimulates the growth of new dentin.


    Helps Fight Cancer

    Vitamin K2 MK7 can inhibit tumour growth by negatively regulating tyrosine kinase and phosphodiesterase activities associated with cell carcinogenesis, as well as modulating regulatory factors associated with cell proliferation, ultimately leading to cell cycle inhibition in tumour cells.


    Improve Diabetes

    Vitamin K2 MK7 powder upregulates the insulin gene, promotes pancreatic beta cells, and releases insulin, which can improve the body's metabolic levels and help diabetics recover.


    Promote Calcium Absorption

    Vitamin K2 contributes to bone development or bone density by carboxylating glutamic acid residues in osteocalcin to gamma-carboxyglutamic acid residues, which activates osteocalcin to form "calcium claws" that bind to hydroxyapatite and promote bone mineral salt deposition. The researchers conducted a double-blind controlled trial of vitamin K2 MK7 powder supplementation for 8 weeks in 55 children and adolescents, measuring serum levels of uncarboxylated osteocalcin (ucOC), carboxylated osteocalcin (cOC), and MK7 for calcium absorption.


    The results show that moderate supplementation of Vitamin K2 MK7 powder in healthy adolescent children can increase the concentration of MK7 and increase osteocalcin carboxylation; ucOC is secreted by osteoblasts, and vitamin K2 converts ucOC to cOC, which further forms a calcium claw that leads calcium into the bone and promotes calcium absorption.


    Inhibits Vascular Calcification

    Vitamin K2 reduces the risk of cardiovascular problems by activating Matrix Gla Protein (MGP), which inhibits the calcification of calcium ions in the arteries.


    Researchers in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, conducted a 10-year study involving more than 4,800 people (≥55 years of age) to investigate whether dietary intake of vitamin K2 was associated with cardiovascular problems such as aortic calcification. The results showed that vitamin K2 intake led to a reduction in the relative risk of cardiovascular problems and that subjects who consumed more than 32.7 μg of vitamin K2 per day had a 50 percent reduction in the risk of aortic calcification compared to those who consumed lower doses.


    For Health Products:

    In the international nutraceutical market, Vitamin K2 powder products include Vitamin K2 (MK-4) and Vitamin K2 MK7 powder, of which:Vitamin K2 MK4 is synthetic and has a short half-life, while Vitamin K2 MK 7 powder is mostly produced by fermentation and has a longer period of action. Natural Vitamin K2 MK7 Powder has been widely used as a nutraceutical additive.

  • 天然ビタミンk2 mk7パウダー1.5% coa

  • コスモス2023






ビタミンk2 mk4パウダー1.3%

