nattokinaseパウダー5000 fu uv
规格:5000FU / G
Testing Method: UV
残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠
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nattokinase powder 5000 fuとは何ですか?
グリーンスプリング技術は、ビタミンk2と特殊なアンモニア臭のないナットウキナーゼ粉末5000 fu uvを提供しています。高品質の純株ナットウキナーゼ発酵を使用し、生産サイクルが短く、高収率、低価格、抽出・精製が容易です。先進的な科学研究チーム、経験豊富な生産管理チーム、専門的な販売チームを擁し、必要に応じて各種エキスの比率や標準エキスをカスタマイズすることができます。ハラール、コーシャ、cosmos、brc、ifs、fda、isoなどの認証を取得しています。私たちは、信頼できるサードパーティのテストレポートを提供することができます。
5000FU / G
Testing Method
(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています
Reduces Blood Clot Formation
Clotting is formed through a series of chemical reactions between special blood cells (platelets) and proteins (clotting factors) in the blood and is an important defense mechanism for the body. Sometimes this process is abnormal and an abnormal clot (also known as a thrombus) develops in an artery or vein, blocking the flow of blood to surrounding tissues. Among these, acute arterial thrombosis is the proximal cause of most myocardial infarctions (heart attacks) and about 80% of strokes. In an open-label clinical trial (45 adults) with 3 groups, healthy, cardiovascular, and dialysis, all subjects were given 2 nattokinase capsules (nattokinase, a single dose of 2,000 FU) orally daily for 2 months.
The results found that coagulation factors associated with cardiovascular disease, such as fibrinogen, coagulation factor VII, and coagulation factor VIII, decreased consistently and at similar rates in all groups. Another double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (in 12 healthy young men) noted that D-dimer concentrations and blood fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products were elevated in subjects taking oral nattokinase and that the duration of action was longer (~8 hours or more).
Conclusion: Oral nattokinase may have a positive effect on inhibiting thrombosis, but more large trials are needed to confirm its clinical benefit, limited by the small sample size.
Prevention of Atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease in which arteries harden through plaque formation. Major risk factors include dyslipidaemia, diabetes, smoking, hypertension and genetic abnormalities. A randomised controlled trial (26 weeks in 82 patients with hyperlipidaemia) was conducted with two groups, one given a lipid-lowering drug: simvastatin, and the other given nattokinase (6000 FU daily dose).
After the test, it was found that the common carotid artery intima-media thickness (CCA-IMT) and carotid plaque size decreased in both groups, but the magnitude was more significant in the nattokinase group. In addition, lipid indices such as TG, TC and LDL-C decreased in both groups, but the magnitude was more significant in the simvastatin group, while nattokinase powder was able to increase HDL-C.
Conclusion: Oral nattokinase may be useful in the prevention of atherosclerosis, but due to the small sample size, more large-scale trials are needed to confirm the clinical benefits.
Liver Protection
After Nattokinase powder enters the human body, it builds an alcohol protection barrier through a triple channel: it enters the human liver system to break down the pressure on the liver to resolve alcohol and assist in alcohol detoxification; it enters the human vascular system to form a key protection barrier in the cerebrovascular region to resist the inhibitory effect of alcohol on the brain; and it enters the human digestive tract system to form a protective barrier rapidly to accelerate the acidic secretion of the digestive tract and promote alcohol detoxification.
Taking Natto can quickly solve the adverse effects of alcohol and prevent next-day drunkenness. In addition, a variety of active substances in natto activate liver cells, promote liver cell regeneration, improve liver function, protect the liver, and effectively prevent and improve fatty liver.
For Health Products:
Nattokinase powder is widely used as a food supplement for blood thinning, prevention of thrombosis, and improvement of blood circulation in Japan, China, Korea, EU countries, Canada, and the United States. Nattokinase also has a variety of pharmacological effects such as improving microcirculation, lowering blood pressure, anticoagulation, preventing atherosclerosis, easing retinal angiogenesis, anticancer, and inhibiting inflammation and oxidative stress. It has been used as a nutraceutical additive.
ナットウキナーゼの粉末5000 fu uv coa