Ginger Extract 5% Gingerol


ラテン語名はzingiber officianale roscoe




Testing Method: HPLC


残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠

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  • 生姜エキスとは?

    ショウガはショウガ科の多年草であるショウガ(zingiber officinale roscoe)の新鮮な根茎です。生姜エキスは、生姜の根から抽出される活性物質で、主な成分はクルクミン、クルクモール、ジンゲレノールです。ジンゲロールは様々な成分から構成されており、すべての構造に3-メトキシ-4-ヒドロキシフェニル基を含む。




    green spring technology社は、高ジンゲロール(ジンゲロール)とジンゲレノール(ショウガオール)を含有する超臨界無溶剤抽出技術二酸化炭素製のジンジャーエキス5%ジンゲロールを提供しています。この方法で製造されるジンゲロールは、溶剤残渣がなく、純度が高く、操作が容易で安全性が高い。


    グリーンスプリング技術は、2000年に設立された中国の大手バイオ企業で、高品質の植物の有効成分を供給する研究開発に専念しています。品質管理システムを厳格に実施し、iso、haccpなどの品質基準に基づいて生産を行っています。これらの製品は、eu ec396、eu 2023/915、および最高水準の溶剤残渣基準に準拠しています。ハラール、コーシャ、cosmos、brc、ifs、fda、iso9001、iso22000など多くの認証を取得しています。














    Testing Method





    (ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています







    Studies have shown that ginger has antioxidant properties. Adding 5 to 10 percent ginger to fat pork and boiling for 1 to 4 hours can prevent the pork from spoiling. The peroxide value (POV) and thiobarbituric acid value (TBA) of fat pork boiled for 4 hours in this way were similar to those of fresh fat pork. The oxidation of potassium linoleate was also significantly inhibited by aqueous, ethanol and ether extracts of ginger. Inhibition of lipid peroxidation-induced DNA damage by the addition of reactive oxygen scavengers or ginger extract has also been reported. Ginger extracts also inhibited the production of reactive oxygen species and the oxidation of linoleic acid.


    Hair Care

    Ginger extract contains ginger ketone and ginger phenol and other ingredients, can make the head skin blood circulation normalisation, promote scalp metabolism, activate the hair follicle tissue, strengthen the hair root, effective prevention of hair loss, grey hair, and stimulate the growth of new hair.


    Antipathogenic Microorganisms

    Ginger extract has an obvious inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus albicans, S. typhi, S. dysenteriae, P. aeruginosa, and its effect is concentration-dependent. In particular, the inhibitory effect of S. aureus and C. albicans was the strongest. Ginger root extract and HBsAg effect 1 ~ 3 hours can make HBsAg P / N value decrease significantly, but more than 3 hours after the rate of decline no longer increases. Ginger water extract has a strong bactericidal effect against S. typhi and Vibrio cholerae in vitro. Gingerol and gingerol in ginger rhizome have the effect of killing molluscs and schistosomes and can be used for the treatment of schistosomiasis.


    Soothing & Anti-inflammatory

    Ginger Root Extract reduces redness and swelling of the skin due to irritation by inhibiting the expression of inflammatory factors COX-2 & PGE-2.



    The inhibitory effects and mechanisms of action of 6-gingerol and 8-gingerol on melanogenesis have been reported in the literature. Some scholars tested the effect of ginger root extract on tyrosinase activity and melanin content, the results show that ginger root extract can effectively inhibit the tyrosinase activity and reduce the amount of melanin production in mouse B16-F10 melanoma cells in a dose-dependent manner, and gingersenosine has whitening and expectorant effects.


    In Pharmaceutical:

    Ginger extract, gingeroln, has significant anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is often used in traditional medicine to relieve inflammatory diseases such as rheumatism and arthritis. Gingerol also has digestive properties and is believed to promote peristalsis in the gastrointestinal tract, helping to speed up the process of digesting food and alleviating problems such as indigestion. In addition, gingeroln has been used to soothe respiratory problems such as colds and coughs.


    In the Food Field:

    Gingerol has good antibacterial properties and antioxidant properties and has a broad application prospect in food processing. The addition of ginger extract gingeroln in the processing of fruit and vegetable beverages can give full play to its good functional properties, improve the shortcomings of fruit and vegetable juices with shorter storage time, prolong the shelf life of beverages, and at the same time reduce the addition of artificial preservatives.


    Ginger extracted gingeroln directly into the filling, as a seasoning evenly flavored, into the fish and other seafood food can increase the deodorization effect, and effectively avoid the presence of ginger coarse particles in the consumption process to affect the taste, can effectively reduce lipid oxidation, thus extending the storage period of the fish fillets. In cured meat products, ginger extract gingeroln can remove the contained nitrite and effectively maintain the brightness of minced meat. The film made of gingeroln can inhibit the oxidation of cooled pork fat and extend the freshness period of pork. The film made of gingeroln can be used in egg preservation, which has the characteristics of green and natural and can prolong the storage period of eggs.


    In Cosmetics:

    Gingeroln in ginger extract is often used in cosmetic applications with other ingredients in ginger. In shampoo, the addition of ginger juice rich in gingeroln can effectively remove the dirt on the scalp and inhibit the growth of scalp bacteria, with good stabilization of hair roots and prevention of hair loss. In skin care products, gingeroln not only plays the role of anti-oxidation of the skin but also can effectively remove the facial skin oil and inhibit the growth of bacteria, reducing the emergence of oil beans, containing gingeroln masks, can play an anti-inflammatory acne and calming effect of the skin.

  • ジンジャー5%ジンゲロールcoaを抽出します

  • コスモス2023







