Isomalto Oligosaccharide Powder



Testing Method: HPLC


残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠

  • 記述
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  • 証明書
  • イソマルトオリゴ糖粉末とは?

    イソマルトオリゴ糖は、デンプンから液状化、糖化、糖転移、脱色、脱塩、酵素作用による濃度、乾燥といった一連の工程を経て精製されたイソマルトオリゴ糖を主成分とする白色粉状の澱粉糖である。オリゴisomaltoseの甘みが40 ~ 50%に上るスクロースを低甘み純粋な甘みよく高温への抵抗や、酸性度、いいwater-solubilityかなり簡単湿気吸収粉末クリーム製品粘性より高いスクロースを同濃度解決のあり、ある程度のを赘沢に配合っている。




    グリーン 春技術用品イソマルトオリゴ糖粉末90%純粋な甘さ、低カロリー、粘度が同濃度のグラニュー糖より高く、カラメルよりも扱いやすく、保湿性が良く、浸透圧が高いため、菓子、菓子、清涼飲料などに使用してデンプンの老化を防ぐことができます。低いphと高温に耐えることができ、酸性度の高いオートクレーブ食品や飲料に添加することができます。


    グリーン 春 テクノロジー社は、2000年に設立された中国有数のバイオテクノロジー企業で、天然、安全、有機植物エキスを顧客に提供することに専念しています。iso、haccp、およびその他の品質基準に従って生産を組織し、その製品はeu ec396、eu 2023/915、および最高の溶媒残基基準に準拠した最高の国際的な業界基準に準拠して製造されています。グリーン 春 halal、kosher、cosmos、brc、ifs、fda、isoなど多くの認証を取得。サンプルだけでなく、権威ある第三者のテストレポートが利用可能です。






    Testing Method





    (ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています





    Protect Intestinal Health:

    Isomalto Oligosaccharide can promote the proliferation of bifidobacteria in the intestinal tract, inhibit the formation of harmful intestinal bacteria and spoilage substances, increase the content of vitamins, and improve the body's immunity. Oligomeric isomaltose will not be absorbed by the stomach and small intestine, but directly into the large intestine, which is preferentially used by bifidobacteria to help them multiply, and it is a proliferation factor for bifidobacteria; other harmful bacteria in the intestinal tract can not be used to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, and promote the adjustment of micro-ecology in the intestinal tract to a benign cycle.


    Regulates the Immune System

    Isomalto Oligosaccharide acts as an immune adjuvant and antigen to enhance immune function. Isomaltooligosaccharides can bind to certain toxins and viruses and act as antigenic adjuvants, slowing down antigen absorption and increasing antigenic potency. In addition, oligomeric isomaltose also has antigenic effects and can cause direct antibody response. It can activate the humoral and cellular immune system and enhance the immune function of the body. Spring (1998) reported that oligo isomaltose can increase the concentration of immunoglobulin and the number of B-lymphocytes in the intestines and serum of the animal, increase the release of cytokines, increase the concentration of interleukins and enhance the activity of interferon, so it can enhance the humoral and cellular immune function of the body and promote the digestion and absorption of food.


    Promote Food Digestion and Absorption

    Isomalto Oligosaccharide can maintain normal intestinal function, improve gastrointestinal flora, and laxative effect. Restore normal intestinal flora during antimicrobial therapy, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Improve diarrhoea and constipation, inhibit pathogenic bacteria and spoilage bacteria, improve body immunity, and play the role of immunomodulator. Reduces intestinal carcinogens, improves serum lipids, and lowers cholesterol levels. Increase the absorption of calcium, magnesium, and other minerals, and help the body synthesize B vitamins.


    Help Beneficial Bacteria Proliferation

    Due to the special characteristics of intermolecular binding position and comprehensive type of oligo isomaltose, it is not absorbed by the digestive enzymes secreted by animals themselves. When it enters the intestine, it can be digested and utilized by the fixed beneficial bacteria in the intestine, thus promoting the proliferation of beneficial bacteria. At the same time, the acidic substance produced by isomalto oligosaccharide can reduce the pH value of the intestine, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria (such as salmonella, etc.), and improve the ability of animals to resist diseases.


    In the Food Field:

    Iso Malto Oligosaccharide powder is often used as a moisturizing factor in bread and cakes, which can delay the onset of starch aging, thus making the products softer in texture and more delicate in taste, and can also produce attractive colors through the Melad reaction. It can be used as a substitute for maltose syrup, glucose syrup, and sucrose in the production of confectionery, which can reduce the heat of confectionery, inhibit the crystallization of sucrose, slow down the loss of water from confectionery and improve the elasticity of fondant, and at the same time, Oligomeric isomaltose is non-caries-inducing, making it a high-quality raw material suitable for children's confectionery.


    For Healthcare Products:

    In the development of health products such as BrainPlus, oligo isomaltose powder can be used as water-soluble dietary fiber and prebiotics to improve human intestinal problems and solve a series of health problems caused by intestinal flora imbalance.


    For Feed Product:

    Isomalto oligosaccharide powder has been promoted and applied in the field of animal feed and can be used as a new type of green feed additive in pig, poultry, and aquaculture, improving the structure of animal gut microbiota, enhancing animal growth performance, replacing the use of antibiotics, and solving the problem of antibiotic abuse and residue.

  • イソマルオリゴ糖粉末90% coa

  • コスモス2023






90% Polydextrose粉

