57% Galactooligosaccharide Powder

57% Galactooligosaccharide粉



Testing Method: HPLC


残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠

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  • ガラクトオリゴ糖粉末とは何ですか?

    galactooligosaccharide powder(gos)は、天然由来の機能性オリゴ糖である。分子構造は一般にガラクトースまたはグルコース分子に1-7基のガラクトース基が結合しており、gal (gal) n-glc / gal (nは0-6)である。自然界では、動物の乳には微量のgosが存在するが、ヒトの母乳にはより多くのgosが含まれている。乳児におけるビフィズス菌叢の形成は、母乳のガラクトリゴ糖成分に大きく依存している。それは腸内の健康な環境を作成するために有益な細菌の成長を促進し、栄養素の消化吸収に役立ちます。




    Galactooligosaccharides (GOS)23個のガラクトース分子がラクトース分子のガラクトース基にb-1,4およびb-1,6の糖結合で結合した混合糖である。ラクトースからは、β-ガラクトシダーゼ(β-ガラクトシダーゼ)のガラクトース転移反応によってオリゴガラクタンが生産される。










    Testing Method





    (ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています





    Maintaining Intestinal Health

    Galactooligosaccharide powder can proliferate beneficial bacteria such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus. It inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus, and Anabaena. Long-term intake will make beneficial bacteria become the dominant intestinal flora and play its role in regulating intestinal function. After ingestion of galactooligosaccharide powder, the number of bifidobacteria in the intestines increases significantly, the PH value decreases, and the intestinal tract maintains an acidic environment. As the acidic environment is not suitable for the growth of harmful bacteria, galactooligosaccharide also inhibits the reproduction of pathogens in this indirect way, reduces the number of Clostridium difficile and other spoilage bacteria, and achieves the purpose of maintaining intestinal health.


    Low Calorie

    Galactooligosaccharide Powder (GOS) is not digested or absorbed by the human digestive system and reaches the large intestine directly to be utilised by intestinal bacteria.


    Promote the Proliferation of Bifidobacteria

    In the large intestine, Galactooligosaccharide powder(GOS) is utilized as a prebiotic by bifidobacteria in the human gut, significantly increasing the number of bifidobacteria in the feces and establishing a bifidobacteria-dominated intestinal flora.


    Prevention and Treatment of Constipation

    Galactooligosaccharide powder is fermented by beneficial intestinal bacteria, lowering the pH value of the intestines and inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria. It stimulates intestinal peristalsis and maintains the moistness and osmotic pressure of feces, which can relieve constipation in infants and children.


    Promotes Bone Growth

    Galactooligosaccharide powder is fermented by bifidobacteria in the large intestine to produce organic acids. It can promote calcium absorption and bone development in infants and children.


    Improvement of Lipid Metabolism

    The results of the experiment showed that the study subjects were allowed to consume 6 to 12 grams of powdered Galactooligosaccharide daily for 2 weeks to 3 months. Subjects' total cholesterol and triglyceride levels were significantly reduced and HDL-cholesterol increased. Upon cessation of ingestion, the ameliorating effect on serum lipids gradually disappeared and returned to the pre-ingestion state.


    Low Cariogenicity

    Galactooligosaccharide cannot be utilized by oral streptococci, so it does not cause dental caries and can have an anti-caries effect.


    Generation of Nutrients

    Galactooligosaccharide powder promotes the value-added of intestinal bifidobacteria, which can synthesize VB and vitamin K, and provide nutrients directly to the body. Tests have shown that bifidobacteria can also improve the body's digestion and absorption of lactose. Galactose obtained from lactose fermentation by Bifidobacteria is the main component of cerebrosides in the nervous system, which is closely related to the rapid development and growth of brain tissue in newborn babies.


    Improvement of Immunity

    Animal tests have confirmed that intake of powdered Galactooligosaccharide can increase the body's antibody level, activate the phagocytic activity of macrophages, and improve the body's ability to fight infections.



    In the Food Field:

    Galactooligosaccharide powder is a safe oligosaccharide and a natural functional food additive. In 2002, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration listed oligogalactose as one of the internationally recognized safe food additives. GOS has been commercialized in Japan, USA and Europe. China's galacto oligosaccharide industry started relatively late, until 2007, when the People's Republic of China's former Ministry of Health Announcement No. 12 for the first time approved the galacto oligosaccharide as a new variety of food additives, the scope of use of infant formulas, larger infants and young children's formulas, the total amount of not more than 64.5 g/kg.


    In Dairy Products:

    Galactooligosaccharide powder has good solubility and is known to be a growth factor for bifidobacteria, making dairy products such as milk powder produced more similar to breast milk. It ensures that the intestinal flora environment of infants and young children fed milk powder is the same as that of infants and young children consuming breastmilk, thus promoting the growth and development of infants and young children. At present, the only prebiotics allowed to be added to infant 1 milk powder internationally are oligofructose and oligogalactose.


    For Health Products:

    The application of Galactooligosaccharide powder in the field of nutritional health care products has a broad space. In 2021, Yingluowei launched the oligogalactose drinking liquid, rich in two internationally recognised prebiotics, each bag contains oligogalactose 2.79g, oligofructose 0.31g, which can better maintain intestinal health.


  • 57%ガラクトリゴ糖粉末coa

  • コスモス2023







