Galacto Oligosaccharide Powder 27%




Testing Method: HPLC


残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠

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  • ガラクトオリゴ糖粉末とは?

    ガラクトオリゴ糖粉末(galacto oligosaccharide powder, gos)は、ラクトース分子のガラクトシル側に1-4基のガラクトシル基が結合した機能性オリゴ糖である。天然に存在するオリゴガラクタンは動物の乳に由来する。オリゴガラクタンは腸内ビフィズス菌の増殖因子であり、乳幼児の腸内フローラの形成は母乳のオリゴガラクタン分画に大きく依存している。また、ガラクトースは脂肪の代謝を改善し、カルシウムの吸収を促進するなどの効果があります。ベーカリー、幼児用乳製品、抗虫歯食品に広く使用されています。




    green spring technologyは、お客様に自然で安全な有機植物抽出物を提供することに常に取り組んできました。私たちが提供するすべての製品は、iso、haccpおよびその他の品質基準に従って生産を組織し、最高の国際的な業界標準を実装します。私たちは、品質基準が満たされていることを保証するために厳格な内部品質管理プロセスを持っています。greenspringはhalal、kosher、cosmos、brc、ifs、fda、iso、その他多くの認証を取得しています。権威あるサードパーティのテストレポートが利用可能です。






    Testing Method





    (ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています





    Promote Intestinal Health

    The most popular function of Galacto oligosaccharide powder is its ability to regulate the microecology of the intestinal tract, regulating the bacterial flora and promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria to nourish the intestinal tract. It enhances the intestinal barrier function to relieve intestinal symptoms and maintain intestinal health.


    Enhancement of Immunity  

    Galacto oligosaccharide powder can regulate mucosal immunity, enhance the activity of immune cells, and thus regulate the body's immune function, enhancing the overall immunity to maintain health.


    Promote the Absorption of Minerals

    The process of proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the body using galacto oligosaccharide produces short-chain fatty acids, creating an acidic environment that promotes intestinal absorption of calcium, iron, and other nutrients. In addition, Oligogalactan powder can improve bone health by increasing the absorption of magnesium and phosphorus, preventing bone calcium loss, and improving bone density.


    Regulation of Lipid Metabolism

    The accumulation of short-chain fatty acids produced during the metabolism of galacto oligosaccharide powder helps to lower total serum cholesterol, thus regulating lipid metabolism. At the same time, short-chain fatty acids are able to regulate energy metabolism and body weight to a certain extent by influencing various biological processes in several organs and tissues.


    Prevent Constipation

    Galacto oligosaccharide powder produces a large amount of short-chain fatty acids during fermentation by bifidobacteria, which stimulate intestinal peristalsis, increase the wetness of feces, and maintain a certain level of osmotic pressure, thus preventing the occurrence of constipation. Clinical human trial data show that daily intake of the appropriate dose of oligogalactose powder, about a week (7 days), can be seen to significantly improve the effect of constipation.


    Prevention of Dental Caries

    Galacto oligosaccharide powder has the function of preventing dental caries because it is not digested and absorbed by the human body, is low in sweetness and calories, and is not utilized by streptococcus bacteria in the oral cavity or broken down by oral enzymes.



    In the Food Field:  

    Galacto oligosaccharide powder is widely used in baked goods, dairy products, confectionery, jams, refreshing and health drinks, pastries, and flavorings. For example, because GOS is more similar in structure to lactose, it can be added to ice cream ingredients to prevent lactose crystals from precipitating.


    At present, in addition to infant formulae, at this stage, oligogalactose powder as a prebiotic ingredient is also frequently used in the form of food ingredients in a variety of areas such as dairy products, bakery products, confectionery processing, and functional foods. In the future, it will also be used in specialty foods and green feed to replace antibiotics.


    For Health Products:

    It is found that oligogalactose can promote Lactobacillus plantarum and Bifidobacterium bifidum to produce more extracellular polysaccharides. Extracellular polysaccharides not only have anti-tumor activity and immune activity but also promote the long-term colonization of probiotics in the intestinal tract. As a kind of functional oligosaccharide, oligogalactose powder is widely used in various health products.

  • ガラクトオリゴ糖粉末27% coa

  • ハラール2023




57% Galactooligosaccharide粉

