Bacopa Monnieri
Water Soluble Bacopa Monnieri Extract Powder Bulk

水溶性bacopa monnieriエキス粉末バルク


分析:Bacopa Saponins 50%

Testing Method: UV


残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠

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  • bacopa monnieriエキスパウダーとは何ですか?

    bacopa monnieriは、インドと南アジアの大部分を原産とする、プランタギナ科の多年草草本である。現在は帰化し、中国など世界各地の大陸に自生しています。バコパモンニエリは主に湿地帯に生育し、開花時に植物全体を集めることで薬用に利用されます。インドのアーユルヴェーダ医学では、神経伝達物質、抗うつ薬、その他の感情的な治療を制御するために、数百年にわたってバコパ・モンニエリが使用されている。バコパニエリの葉にはサポニンが含まれており、精神機能を改善し、不安、緊張、うつ病を軽減することができるバコパニエリサポニンやアピゲニンなどの有効成分が含まれています。それはバコパmonnieriは、心を支援し、意識を高めることができる物質のクラスに属していると考えられているので、それが呼ばれています"梵天"ハーブ型(バラモン教では教養人を指す)。alpinia oxyphylla"植物,すなわち,a "脳の感度と知性を高めることができるハーブ"。


    bacopa monnieri extract powderは、植物全体から抽出される生理活性物質の粉状の品種です。フィチン酸、フラボノイド(カプシドン、アピゲニンなど)、有機酸、アルカロイド、モノテルペノイド、テルペノイド、トリテルペノイド、多糖類、ビタミンなどがあります。





    bacopa monnieriエキスパウダー


    Bacopa Monnieri (l)Wettst。




    bacopa monnieriの全体の草




    Bacopa Saponins 50%

    Testing Method





    (ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています





    Brain Health and Intelligence

    Bacopa Monnieri is rich in alkaloids and saponins, and its extracts have antioxidant properties. The brain-boosting effects are mainly due to the active saponins: Bacosides A and B. The extracts of Bacopa Monnieri inhibit the brain cortex, especially the parietal cortex and the hippocampus. Pseudomallein extract inhibits the enzyme acetylcholinesterase AChE in the cerebral cortex, especially in the parietal cortex and hippocampus, and increases the availability of acetylcholine. This effect enhances attention, memory, and cognitive performance, thus enhancing working memory capacity.



    Bacopa Monnieri extract contains two substances, bacosaponin C and bacopasides, which have been shown to have antidepressant properties in animal studies. In a human study, anxiety and depression were reduced in subjects over 65 years of age who took Bacopa Monnieri extract. Unlike benzodiazepine anxiolytics, which can improve cognitive function while producing anxiolytic effects, Bacopa Monnieri extracts have dementia-inducing side effects. The anxiolytic effects of BM standard extract and benzodiazepines were compared with those of LZP in a rat anxiolytic experimental model (elevated cross maze model), and the anxiolytic effects of high-dose Bacopa Monnieri extract were stronger than those of LZP, and Bacopa Monnieri not only did not cause dementia but also enhanced the memory function of dementia in both animals and human beings.


    May Improve Epilepsy Symptoms

    Bacopa Monnieri extract has been applied to reduce the frequency of seizures. In a study, researchers measured the effect of this herb on the GABA receptor responsible for maintaining and regulating neuronal excitation. The imbalance of these receptors can lead to abnormal seizures. Bacopa Monnieri extract powder can reduce the activity of GABA receptors, thereby reducing the frequency of seizures and epilepsy symptoms.



    Bacopa Monnieri extract was used alone or in combination with phenytoin (an anticonvulsant drug that causes cognitive impairment), and evaluated using passive avoidance experiments in mice, maximum number of electroconvulsive seizures, and motor function. The results showed that phenytoin can damage cognitive function, while Bacopa Monnieri can reverse the damage of phenytoin to cognitive function, significantly improve memory acquisition, and maintain memory, but does not affect the anticonvulsive effect of phenytoin; The use of Bacopa Monnieri alone or in combination with other anti-epileptic drugs has also confirmed that Bacopa Monnieri has strong anti-epileptic effects and can correct the cognitive impairment caused by anti-epileptic drugs.


    Ability to Regulate Emotions

    The standardized extract of Bacopa Monnieri can improve brain activity by promoting the growth of neuronal connections in the hippocampus and amygdala (another part of the brain involved in emotional perception). The hippocampus is one of the most important brain regions for forming new memories. Specifically, Bacopa Monnieri interacts with tryptophan and has some interactions with the serotonin system; As serotonin levels increase, it can have a powerful impact on emotions, energy, pain tolerance, and even sleep habits.


    Strengthen Learning Ability

    Bacopa Monnieri has also been proven to help prevent the depressive effects caused by chronic stress, prevent brain degeneration caused by chronic stress, and help combat the harmful effects of oxidative stress that may be caused by emotional and physical stress. Research has shown that a small intake of fake purslane extract can significantly improve mental control, logical memory, and learning abilities.



    For Health Product:

    Bacopa Monnieri and its ethanol extract can significantly improve the learning ability of rats, and the effect of promoting cognitive function mainly comes from the two active saponins A and B in the ethanol extract of Bacopa Monnieri. In addition to promoting normal learning and memory function in rats, active ingredients can also inhibit amnesia (memory loss) caused by scopolamine, electric shock, and restraint stress, producing a significant antidepressant effect. At present, Bacopa Monnieri extract powder has been widely used in various cognitive enhancement and brain-strengthening supplements.

  • 水溶性bacopa monnieri粉末バルクcoaを抽出します

  • コスモス2023







