学名:medicago sativa l。
Testing Method: UV
残留農薬:(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠
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2000年に設立されたgreen spring technologyは、お客様に自然で安全な有機植物エキスを提供することを使命としています。iso、haccp、その他の品質基準に基づいて生産を組織しています。7つの認証と7つの特許を取得しており、製品は世界62カ国で販売され、2,450社以上の顧客にサービスを提供している。
Medicago sativa Lを有する。
Testing Method
(ec) no 396/2005規格に準拠しています
Abatement of Atherosclerotic Plaque
Alfalfa extract saponins promote atherosclerotic plaque. NO is known to play a key role in maintaining vascular homeostasis, and it can inhibit the formation of atherosclerosis by inhibiting the activation and adhesion of leukocytes, preventing platelet adhesion and aggregation, inhibiting the proliferation of smooth muscle cells, and preventing the formation of foam cells. Alfalfa extract saponin can prevent the effect of atherosclerosis formation by promoting the release of NO from endothelial cells, thus proving to a certain extent the mechanism by which alfalfa saponin promotes the regression of atherosclerotic plaques.
Lowering Blood Lipid
Research has pointed out that alfalfa contains an active ingredient called "phytosaponin", which has a great affinity for cholesterol and can combine with cholesterol to form a kind of insoluble complex, reducing the absorption rate of the human body, thus playing a role in lowering blood lipids.
Deworming the Rumen of Cattle and Sheep
Some tests have shown that protozoa affect the turnover of 88% of bacterial proteins, and deworming protozoa can increase the total bacterial count in the rumen of sheep. Alfalfa extracts alfalfa saponins had an effect on rumen protozoa in sheep and was related to diet type. The addition of 2% and 4% alfalfa saponins to diets based on roughage reduced protozoa by 34% and 47%, while the addition of 2% and 4% alfalfa saponins to diets based on concentrates reduced the total number of protozoa by 33% and 76%, respectively.
Promote Protein Synthesis and Deposition in Livestock
Alfalfa extract can enhance the ability to synthesize proteins in piglets and chicks, and at the same time improve the absorption and utilization of nitrogen, so that the metabolites of nitrogen will be reduced significantly, which will be conducive to the synthesis and deposition of proteins.
Lowering Cholesterol and Lipid Levels
Studies have shown that alfalfa extract saponin can significantly reduce serum cholesterol in hypercholesterolemic rats and significantly promote the clearance of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) by the non-receptor pathway (monocyte-macrophage system), suggesting a more meaningful pathway to find an effective drug for the treatment of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH).
It was confirmed that alfalfa saponin could convert rat liver cholesterol to bile acids in large quantities. Rats fed alfalfa saponin showed a significant increase in the net excretion of total and acidic sterols in the feces compared with the control group, suggesting that alfalfa saponin has the effect of blocking the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids, thus promoting the excretion of cholesterol from the body. Saponins can reduce organ and plasma cholesterol levels in animals and humans. Alfalfa seeds in the saponin in clinic to reduce human blood cholesterol and triglycerides, but also through the improvement of coronary blood circulation and reduce coronary heart disease patients angina pectoris.
For Health Products:
Extracts of alfalfa seeds and leaves have been shown to have antimicrobial, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, and cholesterol-lowering properties and have been used as ingredients in nutraceuticals.
For Feed Product:
Alfalfa extract is often used as an immunomodulator to enhance the disease resistance of poultry, and it can improve the intestinal environment of poultry, increase feed remuneration, and improve the quality of meat and eggs, and it has been used in poultry production. It has been reported that the addition of alfalfa extracts to broiler chickens' diets can promote the proliferation of peripheral blood, thymus, and spleen T-lymphocytes and bursa B-lymphocytes, and there is a dosage relationship between them, which suggests that alfalfa polysaccharides can improve the immunity level of broiler chickens, thus improving their disease resistance.